NK should probably just admit they can't win a war against the south and instead of spending all it's time with military start to find peaceful ways to feed it's populace , they are always trying to get food from the west just like the Chinese , I don't blame people for not wanting to worship the state , kim jong sr had them literally worshipping his picture like he was GOD
JoinedPosts by NU-LYTE
Potential draftees turning to Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tahoe ini think we all knew this would happen.. http://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsidx=258119.
Why Do People Hate Jews???
by minimus ini have never understood anti-semitism .why sooo much hatred?.
Todays ,"jew", is blamed for many wrongs in the world , Israel is believed to have been a major player in 911 inside job , they also love communism which seems to be the democrat platform , Israel did do some false flag attacks in the past on the SS liberty and king david hotel and from what I've seen on how they treat Christian sites in Israel they are extremely anti Christ , There was a site believed to be the first Christian gathering church that they go and throw garbage in , like an underground bunker more or less , they are also accused of running the global banking scam that keeps the US in debt and invading oil resource rich nations to control it all .... To me tho most ,"jews" are not the Zionist ones that are blamed by conspiracy people for everything , This lates shooting just seems like a convenient leftist false flag , happening at election time to defame trump
Son of God
by Steel inis this a title of diety or did god have a baby?
sorry for being so brief, typing on a phone.. i am kind of interested to see what you have to say.
are you an exjw ? what they believe is it referring to jesus , mary was impregnated by holy spirit , personally I think it was an implanted embryo
So What Drastic Money Change is Next?
by OnTheWayOut inokay, they cheapened the product by getting rid of hardcover books.
they reduced printing of mags.
they drastically reduced the number of pieces of printed paper that members would "place" in people's hands in various ways, the biggest one being that they put them on a cart and don't encourage people to take them.they cut d.o.
I do know they were talking about people that made a vow to pay jehovah need to pay it , didn't say tithing but basically the same thing , they don't want to sound like the BTG there , they didn't make me take a vow to get baptized but maybe that's next . In the kingdom come book they discussed how the apostles left everything behind as a loss , they like be more subtle in their insinuations as again they took on the charity tax break so can't set specific money amounts .That first church , everyone sold everything and they divided daily portions out of it .
So What Drastic Money Change is Next?
by OnTheWayOut inokay, they cheapened the product by getting rid of hardcover books.
they reduced printing of mags.
they drastically reduced the number of pieces of printed paper that members would "place" in people's hands in various ways, the biggest one being that they put them on a cart and don't encourage people to take them.they cut d.o.
don't know about tithing , on one hand they said they don't prod for donations according to chaz russel himself of which we no sooner went over it that they started prodding , suddenly it's all unrighteous riches to be given over , think it's more for the legal problems than humanitarian aid myself , ancient Israel believed they only gave back to GOD what belonged to him to begin with .... prepping the mind to not moan about handing over your money , I refuse to give them anything as they can't be trusted in my dealings with them . Don't have much anyway . Until I see this second genner I know give up his half million dollar home which I feel the command to give up everything is right there in the bible and they know it , then why bother me about stuff ? Instead he tried to con me out of money at a garage sale , couldn't live without a blender and that was the last time I seen him at that point they had made it impossible for me to associate with them . hypocrites , liars . I had them hitting me up for money all the time just after I did the dunk , one wanted to go to africa for a funeral , after she already told me she was going to the international convention in italy .. give me a break . They all have more than me ,seemed like. Since they went donations they can't ask for specific amounts at the doors but they sure can ask members for whatever they want . I think they still believe at some point the door to noahs ark will be locked whenever the preaching work is completed to GODs satisfaction . it was the fastest growing religion , I think , for awhile . The real estate where I'm at has quadrupled in value so don't know they can afford building any more unless people donate their property . Jesus was outdoors preaching all the time so don't know the buildings are important , as long as theres a gathering of 2 or 3 in jesus name he said he would be there in spirit .
144000 The numbers don't add up
by LevelThePlayingField inin 1935 there were 63,146 who attended the memorial and 52,465 partook.
(proclaimers book page 717).
according to the bible teach book on page 78, it says, “since the days of the apostles, god has been selecting faithful christians in order to complete the number 144,000”.
don't know what happened in prison with peter but that was part of the deal , jesus explained , the multitude on left and right , the ones that visit the apostles in jail , feed them when hungry and give them clothes would inherit the kingdom , so can't mean it's for everyone just on that scripture alone . It was the apostle paul that went over it for the new members on how and when to do it , he said you had to approve of yourself whether you are worthy of co ruler and to be unworthy and do it would get judgement from above . I don't know what they accuse you of now if you are second gen or not , don't know all the dogma involved with it , i just thought they meant the children of the 1914 gen but apparently it can be anyone during the end times part of the generation ...
144000 The numbers don't add up
by LevelThePlayingField inin 1935 there were 63,146 who attended the memorial and 52,465 partook.
(proclaimers book page 717).
according to the bible teach book on page 78, it says, “since the days of the apostles, god has been selecting faithful christians in order to complete the number 144,000”.
the covenant was not it effect until jesus died , nobody can stop you from eating and drinking at the memorial , they were pretty insulting tho for a long time , insisting only the 1914 gen were the real deal and all others were faking it for some reason or another . Now they have no choice but to leave people in peace , not sure what the SDA does ... so you are a theist but believe the bible is nonsense , what's that ? Paganism ?
144000 The numbers don't add up
by LevelThePlayingField inin 1935 there were 63,146 who attended the memorial and 52,465 partook.
(proclaimers book page 717).
according to the bible teach book on page 78, it says, “since the days of the apostles, god has been selecting faithful christians in order to complete the number 144,000”.
waton - true the holy spirit shows up at Pentecost but jesus was showing them how to remember him in his covenant , he told them to expect it , first one was a dry run , they had to keep doing it until they were martyred to qualify , it replaced the Passover . If you don't believe fine by me but we are discussing the belief , you atheists enter these threads and don't even want to discuss it usually ... no point in continuing
144000 The numbers don't add up
by LevelThePlayingField inin 1935 there were 63,146 who attended the memorial and 52,465 partook.
(proclaimers book page 717).
according to the bible teach book on page 78, it says, “since the days of the apostles, god has been selecting faithful christians in order to complete the number 144,000”.
waton - i did read about that , the nazis did in fact behead some , not sure they were claiming GC or LF, my point is that it appears to me that you have to preach until the satanic world kills you . Just my opinion based on reading the scriptures tho , jesus was very adamant that the world would hate true believers as much as they hated him , sending them as sheep among wolves , flat out telling them they would suffer and die over the kingdom , no mistaking that part . It would not surprise me if the final number just shows up prior to the tribulation and refuse the mark of the beast , looks like there is more than one tribulation period as well . The GC as we know don't die , the LF are part the first resurrection , the difference in my opinion is that I don't believe anyone is resurrected at this time , they have an instant resurrection going on . I do still believe that there may be something to this belief system tho it seems like it changes stuff around like the deck chairs on the titanic . This is the only religion I know of that actually acts out the last supper in the fashion of the first church even tho i think it's more like a church supper than just a sip of wine and nibble on some matza
144000 The numbers don't add up
by LevelThePlayingField inin 1935 there were 63,146 who attended the memorial and 52,465 partook.
(proclaimers book page 717).
according to the bible teach book on page 78, it says, “since the days of the apostles, god has been selecting faithful christians in order to complete the number 144,000”.
nstead of the numbers decreasing they are actually increasing to the point where we currently don`t have just 8000 Anointed we actually have over 18000 claiming to be Anointed with the heavenly hope.
where did you find that , the year book ? I firmly believe it's a literal martyrdom not the symbolic one they claim . Probably wont happen until the GT and mark of the beast stuff happens .Some of those probably legit , many called few chosen . If they died of natural causes in the first century they were believed to have sinned and not confessed , like the story of Ananias , the early apostles were pretty indestructible , the apostle paul ways beaten left for dead a couple times , survived a ship wreck and the bite of a deadly snake , thrown off a cliff ... still moved on to being fed to the lions