go skimmer go
JoinedPosts by stephenw20
An honest question for women only
by Skimmer inrecently, i came across the web site.
* http://www.classmates.com.
which is a directory of high school graduates throughout north america with many millions of entries.
When is sex acceptable
by stephenw20 incan anyone comment on this.
it appears that in our universe we have differing rules pertaining to sex being acceptable or not.. when you married , you are suppose to only have sex with your spouse.. if you are not married or have never been in a committed realtionship, it seems at a certain stage of ones life, it is either understandable or acceptable to just have or maintain a relationship that has nothing to do with anything but sex, or the closeness of another human being.. perhaps there were failed relationships that someone does not want to indulge in again , but still want to feel close to another person for a limited amount of time.. i am finding this to be acceptable not just among males but females as well in the 30-40 age range.
we humans are a strange breed.. comments are appreciated.. ps i am quite familiar with the biblical texts... i would rather not go there on this thread/
Can anyone comment on this
it appears that in our universe we have differing rules pertaining to sex being acceptable or not.
When you married , you are suppose to only have sex with your spouse.
If you are not married or have never been in a committed realtionship, it seems at a certain stage of ones life, it is either understandable or acceptable to just have or maintain a relationship that has nothing to do with anything but sex, or the closeness of another human being.
Perhaps there were failed relationships that someone does not want to indulge in again , but still want to feel close to another person for a limited amount of time.
I am finding this to be acceptable not just among males but females as well in the 30-40 age range. We humans are a strange breed.
Comments are appreciated.
Ps I am quite familiar with the biblical texts... I would rather not go there on this thread/ -
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
'Belief in oneself is required for healing.'
8/10/2001 -
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
Think on This ...
They who would gain the greater will suffer the more. Those who would attain to a more perfect understanding of the true relationships of an individual to creative forces and using of same constructively, recognize the unfoldment of the mind through the experiences.
Edgar Cayce Reading 5242-1 -
Watchtower PR Statement 8-7-01
by silentlambs inpublic affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
an interesting thing about this PR statement is that most witnesses did not even know about the first one. even though its available to the PUBLIC
we ~here~ know there is great UNREST in the org.... from the charitable laundering of money to the millions made in printing.and the worst of all is this issue
WE DO KNOW but the regular joe or even the legal counsel at the HQ doenst know. I called and they have no information to give you . Its all bs.... I was told about an accusation that may be false not the protection of the victim.
if it has not filtered down to the HQ staff.. do you think any of the congregations have a clue?
tape a copy of the letter to a kingdom hall door
its a real field service!
oh Praise the lord! the iceberg is comin to the Unsinkable ship
Watchtower PR Statement 8-7-01
by silentlambs inpublic affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
about the law....
there is state laws..... some mandatory some not...
but it IS against FEDERAL LAW REGARDLESS period!
Watchtower PR Statement 8-7-01
by silentlambs inpublic affairs office.
for immediate release august7, 2001 .
sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.
ah yes.. the light got brighter........
after all they are imperfect men...... or are they divinely appointed....?
oh please!... this is complete shit.. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HONEST APOLOGY
I am printing this out and postin it onthe door of the kingdom hall -
What's your favorite line from a movie?
by Isis in...or least favorite?.
just for fun of course.. i just posted on the top 10 movies to take on a desert island and it had me wonder.. anyways....as to my favorite:.
"there is no spoon.
Jeff Goldblaum Jurassic Park 1...." your scientist were so busy worrying about if they could, they never thougth about if they should" to Richard Attenborough
Arnold in Terminator 2 : " WHY do you cry"
Arnold in Twins: "You forgot the 1st rule of a crisis situation...you moved to fast"
Jack In a few Good men:
"Please tell me you didn't bring me all the way up here to discuss my clothing choices, surely there must be something else"
TOm Cruise
"I want the TRUTH"
"YOu cant Handle the Truth"
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
Then we say, when our loved ones, our heart's desires are taken from us, in what are we to believe?
This we find is only answered in that which has been given as His promise, that God hath not willed that any soul should perish but hath with every temptation, every trail, every disappointment made a way of escape or for correcting same. It is not a way of justification only, as by faith, but a way to know, to realize that in these disappointments, separations, there comes the assurance that He cares!
Reading 1567-2 -
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
Thanks Seven :)
'While we measure our own success in terms of personal comfort and security, the universe measures our success by how much we have learned.'
8/9/2001I like this one.....