'When taking something personally, it’s a signal to shift into an impersonal consciousness.'
JoinedPosts by stephenw20
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
And as He hath given, "If ye love me, keep my commandments; for they are not grievous to bear. For I will bear them with thee, I will wipe away thy tears; I will comfort the brokenhearted, I will bring all to those in the ways that are in the Wisdom of God for thy expressions through each experience, in each activity of thine."
For thy soul in its Wisdom seeketh statement with Him. Smother it not in the doubts and the fears of materiality but in the spirit of love and truth that encompasseth all, and that is open to ye who have set thy hearts, thy faces, toward the love that is in Jesus, thy Friend, thy Brother.
Edgar Cayce Reading 262-105 -
how about NJ.... almost PA near Easton
Stevie Ray Vaughn anyone?
by Introspection inbeen rediscovering songs like superstitious and mary had a little lamb.
any recommendations?
Intro for me its Little Wing .. an instrumental off of the SKY is Crying... you can hear the amp BUZZING
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
'The best way to experience true nurturing is to give true nurturing.'
this may come under the heading...LIFE IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT -
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
He who doubts that the best will come to him with doing of that which is correct is already defeated. Don't blame others for what has happened or may happen. Do right yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually, and the best will come to you.
Edgar Cayce Reading 5203-1 -
Intro's quote-o-rama
by Introspection ini guess i've been inspired by stephen's quote threads, so i'm going to start one myself.. not one particular author here, just whatever i can find:.
q: why do you think that people are so protective of their egos?
why is it so hard to let go of one's ego?.
A man is trying to keep a scorpion from drowning, each time he grabs the scorpion, the scorpion bites him. Someone looking at this says ."what a silly man"..."dont you know , its in the scoprion nature to bite you?" he says "YES! and it is in MY NATURE to love the scorpion"
I Said Goodbye
by Farkel inmy father was rushed by ambulance from his rest home to st. marks hospital in salt lake city, utah friday, but i only just heard about it.
i received a call from the floor nurse and she told me he is not expected to live.
his lungs are filled fill up with fluid and are continuing to fill u with more fluid: he has pneumonia.
I have to say .. warmth and comforting thoughts to you.. we are brothers in a way you would not know.I wish my mother could read this. I have also thoguth about getting that call from time to time. Prepared or not your never QUITE ready.
I hope in all of this you canfind some peace and apply it to your own life.
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
'You can learn through
wisdom or woe, it's
your choice.'Seven, for many, this forum can be looked at as therapy.
there seems to be a willingness to beat the dead horse , of we do not agree with the org and it has hurt us.
stayin here rehashing it all , SLows down the growth they can attain.
It can be freightening to stand on the shore after the boat has left.
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
. . as the body may dedicate its life and its abilities to a definite service, to the Creative Forces, or God,
there will be healing forces brought to the body.
This requires, then, that the mental attitude be such as to not only proclaim or announce a belief in the
divine, and to promise to dedicate self to same, but the entity must consistently live such.Edgar Cayce Reading 3121-1