I Said Goodbye

by Farkel 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    My father was rushed by ambulance from his rest home to St. Mark’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah Friday, but I only just heard about it. I received a call from the floor nurse and she told me he is not expected to live. His lungs are filled fill up with fluid and are continuing to fill u with more fluid: he has pneumonia. He’s been unconscious for two days.

    The nurse transferred to the call to my mother in his room, and when I asked her why she hadn’t notified me immediately, she said she had tried, but I couldn’t be reached. I suspect that she was so upset she dialed the wrong number. My only sibling sister and her husband are are away for the Holiday weekend and won’t be back until tonight.

    I asked my mother if she had notified anyone in the congregation and she said she called the PO yesterday. No one from her congregation has called or stopped by. Mom and Dad have known many of these people for over fifty years.

    My worst nightmares about dub selfishness and lack of compassion are now confirmed. I suspect many of them will non-chalantly say, “Oh, but he’ll face the prospect of resurrection into a Paradise earth.” That’s bullshit comfort for my mother right now because she’s a wreck. All the fifty five years they were together she could hardly say a good thing about him, and all of my life I had to defend him before her judgements about him. Now that she faces the irreversible prospect of losing him, she has managed to recall all the wonderful moments we had as a family, moments that until now, she refused to recall.

    Facing death of a loved one is like that. All the petty things that happened seem so minor when the prospect of losing forever someone you truly loved is staring you in the face.

    I have been preparing myself mentally for my Father’s death for several years now. During that period I’ve told him everything I felt I needed to tell him, the good the great, the bad, the ugly. I’ve told him that despite all of that, he is a great man in my eyes and he is a great father. He taught me to love and respect hard work. He taught me to fix just about anything fixable. He showed compassion and forgiveness when my mother would get on her many rampages towards him and us. He stayed with her all those decades even though she’s been on medication for depression for over forty years.

    There was only one thing I hadn’t told my dad, and I just did that a few minutes ago.

    She put the phone to his ear so through all my tears I could tell him goodbye.

    "Goodbye, Dad. I will always love you."


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Tallyman


    Man, I'm sorry to hear that.

    I'll hold a good thought for you.

    Wish I could do more than that.


  • jayhawk1

    My heart goes out to you. I wish last year I could have told my dad goodbye.
    Almost in tears,

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Cygnus

    You have my empathy, old friend.

    When my father dies (sooner than later), he will also be dying alone, as the JW community as a whole has forgotten him. I hope he has a funeral 'service' at the Kingdom Hall, and I'm ready for some if not several serious confrontations. My dad got totally screwed by WTS agents and he deserved much, much better than he got out of life.

  • Simon

    Sorry to hear about your sad news Farkel. It's good that you got to tell him everything that was important before the day came.

  • Celia

    I never know what to say in such cases...
    My eyes filled with tears after reading your post.
    I don't pray much, so I can't say that you'll be in my prayers,
    but you are in my thoughts. We love you Farkel, you're not alone.

  • SixofNine

    ditto what Celia said.

    I send my sincere condolences, and if you ever make me cry again I'm gonna pound you.

    I was at my fathers bedside when he passed away, but hours earlier, when he was awake and lucid, hope against hope had kept goodbyes from coming up. I'm glad for you that you did that.

    Damned these onions!

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    I was very moved by your post. This must a very difficult time for you
    but at least you've done all of the right things and shouldn't have regrets
    after your father is gone. A fine message to the rest of us.

    For me personally, coming to grips with end of life issues has been difficult.
    Raised as a JW, I was one of those children who was taught I would never
    get sick, old or die. For that matter most of us with a little gray hair were
    never supposed to graduate from high school.

    I spoke with a JW this week whom I've known for many decades. She's
    well into her sixties now, her husband is still working full time, serving as
    an elder and recovering from surgery. There is no retirement in their future
    because they never felt any need to plan for one.

    Here is the simple reality: We're born, we grow old, we die. Hopefully we do
    something to leave the world a better place for our children and grand children.
    Perhaps there is something better or different awaiting us after this life
    but no one really knows and all of the blustering and posturing does not
    change that fact.

    My advice to anyone reading this post is live each day to its fullest, don't be
    afraid to love and enjoy what is beautiful in this life, put your energy into your
    family and your community (make a donation to MDA today), plan for your future
    and your retirement and never pass up on the opportunity to tell your friends
    and family that you love them.

    Farkel - please be assured of my best wishes to you and your family.


  • JanH

    Doug, my friend, I am terribly sorry to hear about this.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • DougKelley

    Dear Doug,

    Please accept my deepest sympathies. I remember staying with your dad and mom many years ago, along with my younger brother and sister. It was just before we moved to Denver, and my folks went to find a house. I was only 11 years old then. That was 31 years ago. Jesus.

    I last saw your dad and mom in 1979 or 80, when they visited us in Spearfish, South Dakota.

    I too am glad you had the opportunity to say what you needed to say. That is important.

    I wish you all my best my friend, and my sincerest sympathy.


    Doug Kelley, CSL
    Please Visit http://www.EmpowerTheSpirit.com for more personal growth articles.

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