Thank you..
I am just hopping he stays disfellowshipped but yea I guess he will never try to learn more about my faith.
I want to do the bible study and at the same time I don't want.. I can't stand this cult anymore, but at the same time he is just trying to do good and be closer to God. So when I told him about what happen in this cult he says that we can't put every jehovah's witness in the same category and that every jehova's witness don't do bad things..
He is right but it's crazy how he always find excuses for this group. I am a muslim and I know there is bad muslim and extremist and we have to fight against them.. But for him nope the Jehovah's witnesses have always a good reason and he love them and they are just victim's. Ugh I just can't stand this stupid group anymore. I don't want to be hateful but it's crazy that people are that stupid..