I personally have a very distinct sense of style and fashion which many of the fellow Jdubs frown upon. Recently, I was told by a few specially self righteous ones that I looked like a PROSTITUTE in a pair of white boots! A pair of 3 inch heeled, just a little taller than the ankle boots, with skirt that came down to my knees and a black long sleeve shirt that came up to my collarbone. Do these women even know what hookers dress like? I know that I shouldn’t take it so personally because they are not right in the head but it is such an insulting awful thing to say to someone. My whole life I’ve been getting shamed and picked on just because I don’t want to look like a frumpy, do -right, snitch bitch. And as an elder daughter it’s so much worse because every little thing is inspected, the tightness of your clothes, how short, how flashy.
In my area, there is a huge debate as whether or not women should wear strapless wedding dresses. A CO agreed to do a talk for a couple getting married, and afterwards, he shared in the pioneer meeting that he would have never agreed to give the talk if he had known the sister was going to wear a strapless wedding dress! Now the elders like to know before hand what dress the sister is wearing on her wedding day.
And to share a mans side of things, there was a MS in my hall who liked to wear tighter pants, and people complained about it so much that he had to go out and buy more pants or he would be removed as a MS. And he was not one with much money, so it was kinda sad.
Just another random rant..