Sunchild: are you having a nightmare or on drugs?
Now, this is unnecessarily rude. You really should apologize for your bad manners. To answer your question, though, no, I'm not on drugs, but I am definitely high on life -- something I could never say in honesty while I was a JW. And I haven't had a nightmare since I left them, either. But I am a sci-fi writer (or at least I'm trying to be), which could qualify me for being certifiably insane in 48 states.
But that aside, you haven't addressed a single thing I've said. In a nutshell, I proposed that the reaction you've received here didn't quite live up to the negative hype you've heard about so-called apostates, and that you're probably a bit confused and/or disappointed by this. I also said that the reason you're being so defensive is because you want to keep from liking us. Be honest. Am I close, at least?
The reason I find you so interesting is because reading the things you post is like looking back on my own past. About five years ago, I really wasn't that different from you.
"Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
-- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."