Chinese billionaire 'hid $2bn aluminium pile in Mexican desert and then sold it across the border to America to avoid costly tariffs', claim US rivals
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Posts by Hecce
I was quite tolerant of this guy until now
by never a jw inpresident trump is definitely a demagogue, a populist, and not a great extemporaneous speaker, just to mention few of his more conspicuous flaws.
however, i was going along because "it's the economy stupid".
now that has changed.
WTBTS – assistance following an incident at bethel
by Tallon ini haven’t posted for quite a while as i needed a break – although i have been lurking.. can anyone confirm if the wtbts give assistance to someone who has been involved in an incident whilst working at bethel and, as a result, must leave?.
the reason i’m asking is that, back in the 80’s, i knew a sister who was in bethel service.
she was assigned to the cleaning department.
by Gorbatchov inwhy i am proud to be dutch: today the state secretary of foreign affairs had to resign because of lying about russia.. we don't accept openly liars.. g..
I don't follow winter sports, only at Olympic times. After you mentioned the name I read about it and I do remember the incident but not the name. It seems like there was some strategy involved and that this gentleman had a very interesting career.
by Gorbatchov inwhy i am proud to be dutch: today the state secretary of foreign affairs had to resign because of lying about russia.. we don't accept openly liars.. g..
And on top of that, they are great at speed skating.
Australian States & Territories Fail to Sign Up on a Redress Scheme For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
by smiddy3 inat a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
Thanks smiddy3
Australian States & Territories Fail to Sign Up on a Redress Scheme For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse.
by smiddy3 inat a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
Do you have a link?
Fidel Castro and the WT
by Hecce ini am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
Fidel Castro's eldest son 'Fidelito' commits suicide
What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
by pseudoxristos inmy first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
never a jw: Have I been unlucky in my deals with black Americans and lucky in dealing with black Africans
Africa is not just one country, cultures and customs can change from one place to another; your experiences with some Africans are not an absolute reflection of their people. You will find good and bad like any other place.
Just the same your bad dealings with certain American Blacks will not make the whole community bad, just like bad experiences with Anglo's, Hispanics or any other culture don't reflect the character of all of them.
Goodbye my friends.
by StephaneLaliberte infor almost 12 years now, i have been coming to this site on a regular basis and in the last 5, i “faded out”.
i never regretted this and never will.
unfortunately though, yesterday, i realized that, until i can publically tell all my old acquaintances why i have left, i will never be truly free.
Good luck and I will miss you.
The FISA Memo, To Release Or Not To Release
by freemindfade inwas the doj, nsa, and fbi weaponized?
the biggest scandal of this era, or a false alarm by the gop?
i am skeptical what will come of it, however, some very strong reactions and words are coming from its existence and those who read it, also the fight to keep it secret is telling (reminds me of any cult trying to prevent people from reading damaging information).
Release it.
It might be just a GOP distraction, one interesting item is that Democrats are not saying about it and are the ones trying to keep it secret.