Posts by Hecce
Crisis of Conscience Raymond Franz
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthis book has been recommended to me a few times.
is it worth reading?.
how could i get a copy without paying the massive amount stated on amazon and ebay?
The Watchtower should be scared of Hillary becoming President
by Coded Logic inin many countries around the world the realization of how reckless the jws can be towards child endangerment and, more broadly, family safety, has started to take hold.
the results from the preliminary findings of the australian royal commission and the case being made in the united kingdom - which may remove the watchtowers tax exempt status - are both prime examples of this.
unfortunately, as the wt is headquartered in the united states any actions taken against the society will ultimately be limited in scope for such outside countries.. however, if hillary clinton should become president, i think there's a very good chance the wt could face serious and very far reaching legal action.
I can think of no person I'd rather have for President than someone with a proven track record like Hillary Clinton.
Don't forget this part of her experience
PRESS RELEASE: This is not over, on the contrary. I do not retract.
by sp74bb ini appreciate all the expressions of interest and solidarity.
it has been a very intense week.
i started with the help of many of you, a particular war for my rights as a european citizen.. we have achieved an important space and advertising with a single complaint, which is a great success that i share with you all.. the press has not only spoken about a single complaint, but they gave a full coverage on asocial behavior of jehovah's witnesses and the last, a very hard editorial from the newspaper el periodico director (link).
Good, be discreet as to what you are doing. Don't tip your hand.
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
The latest from the SF
Hedmanos, we have lost this battle, we have not lost the war. An anonymous source has informed me that tomorrow, starting at 20 h. the same media publish a rectification of all published and publicly asking Miquel to recant to avoid a lawsuit by the Watch. We have lost this battle, but never lose the war.
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
The information published in the Spanish Forum is not too clear and specific, it is sadly full of jargon that is not relevant but confusing. I hope that they will come here and publish a clarification of what has happened, I am not going to be speculating and trying to decipher what they are writing.
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
Rough Google translation:
No more NEWS IN NEWSPAPERS, AGAIN achievers.
We are not referring to you indolent geriatric ajalvireño, which teneís incontinence and stained Let all seats. Indolent the Committee still palomino Su-cu-cu-ru-cu-cu WatchSpain receive the news on Monday,
we: apostasíaibérica we communicate to all hedmandad, right now. Yes, we very expensive lawyers (not the Department of Service) of the Watch of 452 5th Ave, New York, the dollar equals 500 hours more per year.
If, newspaper editor and examine all documents sent from the United States and there is nothing more, in the vernacular, again Watch has managed to silence a problem.
Today is a day of mourning for freedom of expression, GeoBAR mutes and purchase, such as victims of abuse in the United States. Ash and mourning, what bothers the laughter that will give the granaino casTHo adulterer
We tried, but we have won all the media plan is canceled immediately.
Miquel must retract all allegations to avoid very costly prosecution.
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
This is the latest at the Spanish Forum, it seems that the WT legal has successfully halted the publication of the information in this case. Unable to translate right now.
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
Google translation from the Spanish Forum:
Victims of abuse in Spain
Congratulations to the victim who has had the courage to publicly denounce the harassment of worship of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I join the initiative of James B. (I beg contact me via PM)
All victims in Spain can and should speak, it is a personal catharsis, someone has taken the first step, double page in the paper, with pictures and videos, with first denied damn letter and then taken over by the so-called Judicial Committee.
I congratulate Miquel to bring the issue to the Catalan police and the prosecution. BUT NOW THE REST OF VICTIMS SHOULD TALK.
It is not an attack on any belief, religion or god, is the need that the neo-religion made in USA change its rules to criminalize asocial minority and to stop imposing the criminalization and isolation of opponents of Jehovah God witness.
Mr. James B. I beg contact me via PM and we can join efforts to help victims of child abuse of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Spokesmen for Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain lie more than talk, do you think that Spanish journalists do not know that all forms of expulsion are in digital format and sent to the national headquarters via the
So what do they play? To continue manipulating its 90,000 devotees?
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
Mr. Garcia is a gifted individual and I am pretty sure that he will provide more information and documentation on the subject.
As far as expectations I think that I know what you mean, I was expecting during the buildup a more sympathetic victim, I know that the people behind this effort have been working to get Spanish victims to come forward, some of them are sharing in private but none has accepted going public. Maybe the interview will change the situation.
Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of
by AndersonsInfo inannouncement from spain:.
on monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in spain watchtower, digital edition monday, tuesday print edition.
please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of monday 26, in the online edition.
One observation, the individuals involved in this case are not professionals. They are common people doing the best that they can to shine light on the WT conduct. The press will present facts on the manner that they think will sell more papers, they are not going to publish a transcript word by word of their conversations with Mr. Garcia.
Please keep in mind that this is a situation that has been developing for years, like the matter of the records removal was something triggered by Spanish Law and not related to the actual situation.
In the end I support these people and I am happy that they broke thru the "Maginot Line".