I have known some well off thru hard work, they were not very spiritual; mostly fringe publishers.
Some others have become wealthy for a short time thru scams and some of them landed in jail eventually.
the only witnesses i knew that had money were those that either had family businesses or had money before they got into the religion.
I have known some well off thru hard work, they were not very spiritual; mostly fringe publishers.
Some others have become wealthy for a short time thru scams and some of them landed in jail eventually.
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
This problem is very common and the Branch gets involved quite often. It is very difficult to keep a local control of the situation and there will be publishers that will bypass the warning and knock at the marked doors. I saw a case where the householder went beyond what normally happens and had his attorney send a letter to the Branch. The reaction was swift and at the end of the day it was discovered that the Spanish friends were not aware of the situation and they kept knocking at his door. They were calling on this person, even when it was not part of the Spanish Census.
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
here is a link to the cease & desist letter
I think the address to the wt needs updating to upstate NY?
This letter was the ONLY thing to keep them away from my house. Now, they finally got the hint. The letter really does go to NY and the elders get a letter from headquarters but right on their letter they suggest going back in a years time to see if the householder might have had a change of heart. A friend decided to send one every year with a Christmas card!
Don't bother trying to send on to the local kh as most do not have mailboxes and it will just be returned to you. If you decide to send to an elder send it certified mail.
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
carla9 years ago
I have given this out many times but darn if I didn't save it somewhere so I have to keep retyping it, so here it is. I have sent the letter to the local kh & NY and told my jw to keep them away and still the persist. The wt considers the letter good for only one year. Many kh's do not have mailboxes so if you attempt to sent locally it will be returned to you.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, Ny 11201-2483
Dear Sirs,
Please notify all members of your congregation that consent, implied or otherwise, to visit my property at the address stated above for any purpose relating
to the work of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has been revoked.
I will consider any future visits to be an act of willful trespass and may prosecute to the full extent of the law, civil or criminal.
You must not visit on the pretense of 'updating records'. Check the electoral roll for up to date ownership information.
Notice has also been served to my local congregation located in the area of ________________________________________________________.
I shall hold you both severally and jointly liable for any infratction of this notice to 'cease and desist'.
You have been warned!
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
Believe me, the Branch jumps real quickly on this. They don't want legal consequences. They will locate the right congregation in no time.
I speak from personal experience.
these douche bags left a memorial invitation in my door today, after i have already told them point blank, "do not come to this property ever again," which was months after my trespassing letter.. how dumb can people possibly be?
is there such a thing as an iq below zero?.
so i want to send a 2nd letter with the tract ripped up inside, so i will have a 2nd receipt showing another attempt to get them to leave me alone.. how do i know which hall's territory i am in?
You will get quick action if you report the situation to the Branch.
pennrecord, monday 20 march 2017. in his lawsuit, pressley claimed a wal-mart store manager remarked to him: “you don’t have to go to those meetings.
you can be spiritual here,”.
pressley then claimed a store manager gave him an ultimatum to either stop attending his meetings or be fired.. wal-mart and ex-assistant manager who claimed religious discrimination settle lawsuit.
I think that he was right in his complaint, the only item in favor of Walmart will be whether he was fired or quit. Even if he quit, he could show that it was the result of the changes to his work schedule.
The law is on his side.
an esoteric hotchpotch of topics, from the mildly interesting to the rather boringi'm posting here to avoid the 'new topic' forum limitations, and besides it also helps to avoid clogging up the forum if you think something is of passing interest, and you wish to comment on it, please feel free to re-post as a new topic - thanks!
I think that he was right in his complaint, the only item in favor of Walmart will be whether he was fired or quit. Even if he quit, he could show that it was the result of the changes to his work schedule.
The law is on his side.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfo8-jqzscm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23y2cz40zs4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mysgxbdksus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wegha0xi4gu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km5jgqjx_lk.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ervly-ltjhs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/chuck_berry.
from cronica (spain).
jehovah's witnesses 'plugged' a one million euro entrepreneurial hole.
the cult asked to maintain the "peace" of a congregation in galicia to avoid that the case of emptying of the company reached civil justice.. jws asked to hide a million-euro business hole at a supply company in la coruña (galicia).
The way that I read it "they don't this matter in open court, to not bring reproach". The truth is that maybe some heavy's at Bethel have been getting benefits from the scam and they don't want people digging into this. The affected parties are wasting their time looking for an internal solution and not going to Caesar;