Seems like the right place for this satire should be "jokes and humor" and not "current events and news".
As to the content, there is a lot of good information to ponder.
i'm tired of hearing these constant attacks on white supremacists after the events in charlottesville.
why are moderate white supremacists being lumped in together and sharing the blame for the actions of one reprehensible man that misinterpreted the ideals of white supremacy and became violent?
clearly the motivation of such attacks on white supremacists is nothing other than racism.
Seems like the right place for this satire should be "jokes and humor" and not "current events and news".
As to the content, there is a lot of good information to ponder.
i'm tired of hearing these constant attacks on white supremacists after the events in charlottesville.
why are moderate white supremacists being lumped in together and sharing the blame for the actions of one reprehensible man that misinterpreted the ideals of white supremacy and became violent?
clearly the motivation of such attacks on white supremacists is nothing other than racism.
Supremacy and Peace don't go together.
Any idea of Superiority is Bad and will bring the Wrong Results.
chapter 18. my privilege of service.
it was moved there in the spring of 1969 from the basement of the 124. why is it that people like to put laundries in basements?
the 119 was the newest of all the society’s properties.
New Boy
Thanks for this and waiting for the tale of the Three Freds.
i know or think i know that trump is bluffing and acting very bully like with threats of unleashing his power as commander and chief a military with super weapons.
but why bluff with such boyish stupidity?
i think mr trumps barginings skills are at an all time low and so the threats of violence and retaliation for misbehaving according to the whims of a narcissist.. my confidence in him is at an all time low, talk about cave man club you over the head approach to problems this guy takes the cake.
I do feel the days of US dominance of the world and interference are numbered as it is impossible to hold that it forever or very long change is a part of life.
That is a given, even Mighty Rome went down. Nothing last forever and the US could easily be broken into different areas of control.
chapter 16. the tour .
my three days of housekeeping duty were over and i reported to the bethel office the next morning.
it was customary then get a tour of both the factory and the bethel home.
i know or think i know that trump is bluffing and acting very bully like with threats of unleashing his power as commander and chief a military with super weapons.
but why bluff with such boyish stupidity?
i think mr trumps barginings skills are at an all time low and so the threats of violence and retaliation for misbehaving according to the whims of a narcissist.. my confidence in him is at an all time low, talk about cave man club you over the head approach to problems this guy takes the cake.
how far a US president can go without congress consent and if he disreguards congress and goes beyond what is specified in the constitution
After the loads of currency delivered to the mullahs by plane I was under the impression that the President doesn't need congress authorization, maybe it was after labeling the "Paris climate agreement" and being ready to give lots of money to all the other countries; incidentally they are still laughing at us. Oh now I remember that was done by the previous Administration with their inherent immunity.
there are several confirmed announcements in some congregations around the city regarding the sale of the assembly kingdom hall.
one of the reasons why it will be sold is that expenses are not covered by donations.
the hall was dedicated in 2009. actually, in some congregations the elders have not given the announcement for the publisher's reaction... .
Every country has the government it deserves.
Joseph de Maistre
If this doesn't wake up the locals Ws, then shame on them.
in those three days there, i saw some really nice rooms.
i couldn’t help but ask.. “so how does one go about getting one of these nicer rooms?”.
“if rooms come up vacant, they go up for bid.
I love your experiences, looking forward to “Black Thursday.”
august 11, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: 2018 memorial invitations and date of special talk .
the 2018 memorial will be held on saturday, march 31, 2018.. the 2019 memorial will be held on friday, april 19, 2019..
Is a good idea
gluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???