Jam, killing is killing, we now have to define what killing is because to some it's ok to kill a baby the day before it's born and call it a "termination of a pregnancy", how many babies have been killed in the 21st Century by governments like China and any country that alllows you to decide what life is. The amount of babies killed in Abortions far exceeds the number of people destroyed in those wars. Can we look at the Wars as a Social Abortion of our enemies and races that do not agree with us or we fear?
Wars started in those countries you mentioned, they are not following their teachers morals. People killing without morals have nobody to answer to, why are we pushing our morals down the throats of other humans trying to find their way through humanities Jungle? Jam, why do you think those wars you mentioned were wrong? What do you personally feel is moral and immoral when it comes to killing of human beings?
When is it ok to kill a human, when does a baby inside a woman's body turn into a human and should not be killed because it's a incovenient drag on the parents or single mother?
When is the Government allowed to eliminate incovenient drags on it's society? When should the Governments of the World begin to use the finite resources only for the strongest members of society who produce goods and services and further our techonology? Eugenics taught us to eliminate the weakest members, even the poor "Pauperism" was considered a candidate to be terminated and have the parents castrated.
Who's morals should we use to decide what is right and what is wrong? I need more information because the time will come in future when we revist the same things Hitler did to the Jews. History has a tendancy to repeat the same wicked things with new players, what is right and what is wrong?