steve2, why are you so reasonable? I enjoy your honest and candid comments!
JoinedPosts by ÁrbolesdeArabia
Watchtower's Weirdest Photograph?
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower's weirdest photograph?.
you wont believe it when you see it.
and is available at:
No angelic protection for 20+ Jehovah's Witnesses on way to Convention. All dead.....
by Balaamsass infrom nigerian newspaper via google alert a few minutes ago;.
entire family, 20 others die in fatal accidenttragedy struck weekend in akwa ibom state as a man, his wife and all their children, as well as more than 20 others, all members of the jehovahs witness church, perished in a fatal road accident which occurred, friday, along the utu etim ekpo road in etim ekpo local government area of the state.. forty other members of the church sustained varying degrees of injuries following in the crash which occurred on their way to the jehovahs witness annual convention ground in ikot ekpene local government area of the state.. thisdays gathered that more than 70 members of the church had hired a lorry to convey them from ukanafun local government area to ikot ekpene for the annual district convention which began on friday and billed to end today (sunday) but the journey ended half way with many members of the church dying on the road in the accident.. eyewitnesses alleged that the driver of the lorry conveying the church members to the venue of the convention lost control of the vehicle when he got to utu etim ekpo, the junction opposite the local government secretariat, and hit the stone used to construct the roundabout, thus resulting in the lorry somersaulting, leaving many of its passengers and others wounded.. the corpses and those injured in the accident were said to have been taken to neighbouring hospitals and mortuaries.. one of the eyewitnesses, mr. friday john, said the people who died may have been more than what was seen because a whole family including parents and their children were all trapped in the accident.. we were all here discussing when suddenly the lorry appeared and was looking like the driver had lost control of it.
then the lorry drove straight and hit the stone and somersaulted into the gutter.. many people died, more than 18. in fact, we couldnt count the number because there were many corpses, including husband, wife and children and they were all taken to the mortuary in various hospitals near etim ekpo here, john explained.. in another narration, a secondary school teacher in eka uruk eshiet etim ekpo, mr. ndipmo nkanta, said the lorry boarded by the deceased and the injured passengers was not meant for passengers but goods only.. he blamed the accident on poverty , arguing that if there was a better alternative, such casualties wouldnt have been recorded, especially as they were going to worship god.. the public relations officer of the federal road safety corps, frsc, in the state, mr. godsgift uwen, blamed the incident on over-speeding and overloading by the driver of the lorry.. he said the lorry was not supposed to carry any passenger as it was a meant for goods only but the driver stubbornly used it as a passengers vehicle, which led to the sad incident.. he advised against rush and drunken driving, especially in the yuletide, noting that these are some of the major causes of accidents on the roads.. culled from thisday".
I thought it was dangerous in Nigeria for any type of Christian to travel in packs. How many church bombings took place in 2010-2012? I feel bad and I will pray for these poor people, nobody like's to see this kind of carnage, how heart-wrenching!
NC, how often I heard stories of people who stayed at home "meeting night" only to die from a ??????????? Earthquake, burglars, the classic little-Jonny who was playing in the street and a car ran over him" If his parants had been to meeting that night, little Jonny would still be with us today! I hated those stories and this story from Balaam throw's their "scared-straight meeting night bed-time stories" into the dumpster, showing "time and crap happen's". Very sad story, my sympathy to these poor people.
"We had a CO tell us about the Asian Tsunami, and he said that the local JW's had gone inland to go out in service before it hit. That protected them. The only JW's that died were a couple that were on the beach for vacation. He said that should be a lesson for us.
I wonder what the lesson would be over the young man who died out in service?
They seriously take more risks when they think they have some kind of divine protection. That vehicle was not set up to safely carry passengers. Another faith fatality."
My Prayers Have Been Changing, What is wrong with? RE; Victims Of Sandy.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini can venture to say 100% of jehovah witnesses i would see at meetings after a natural disaster would ask "how many dubs were hurt, or killed?
" i am very guilty of this same myopic world-view, now i am ashamed of myself for not asking/praying for the well being of all victims of a terrible catastrophe.
why were we so selfish, is there any reason we were not willing to pray for all victims suffering?
I can venture to say 100% of Jehovah Witnesses I would see at meetings after a natural disaster would ask "How many dubs were hurt, or killed?" I am very guilty of this same myopic world-view, now I am ashamed of myself for not asking/praying for the well being of all victims of a terrible catastrophe.
Why were we so selfish, is there any reason we were not willing to pray for all victims suffering? Jesus said "If you love those who love you, what good are you doing (He said the pharisees and wicked ones are doing these very things, we were not different from the hipocrites!) yet we dubs failed the big test of "Love"! How come we did not pray (if you pray, think good vibes, ect...) for all victims and deaths?
Now I am trying to help point out in my family, "we need to pray for everyone, we don't mention Jehovah's Witnesses (Please help all the brothers around the world, Not any longer!), we pray "Please help everyone suffering from this terrible situation, give strenght to each person to endure, and may they get their food and water" just a sample.
How has grasping the bigger picture of the World changed your prayer (if you pray), after leaving the self-focused group that worries only about fellow JWs, not fellow Christians or mankind?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in
the koch brothers have made sure their fear tactics are in full swing, threatening their employees of the "dire america and layoffs that face their employees if obama is re-elected!".
the bullies of paper and pulp laid off most of their oregonian work-force, and hired them back at one-third their payrate.
design's they love their Federal paid pensions for life as well! These guys are full of crap, once you pull Social Security, Federal "defined benefit pension plans" (Their plans) watch them cry.
Ryan is going to be rich, he plans on making sure his deals with the Koch Devils will ensure him and his heirs fortune. That is why he can smile as he steals grandma's medicare plan, his kids won't have to worry about these trivial things. Money, health insurance, jobs, his kids will have jobs working for the Koch brothers as middle management or become career politicans like daddy-O.
Its sad how Americans think they are the center of the world regarding Sandy...
by mP inthe storm was much more intense and killed many more in the caribbean and yet i see practically nothing mentioned about them here or in the media.. .
How screwed would the outside countries be if America does not take care of itself?
Go ask China and the Middle East for aid next time your region needs aid!
Americans can never do enough to all the greedy countries wanting to suck it dry! What Bullshit and short sighted views, bite the hand that feeds most of the poor countries in pain!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in
the koch brothers have made sure their fear tactics are in full swing, threatening their employees of the "dire america and layoffs that face their employees if obama is re-elected!".
the bullies of paper and pulp laid off most of their oregonian work-force, and hired them back at one-third their payrate.
I wish we could allow all the Romney fans to cash out their Social Security and Medicare and give them what they put into the system with the average rate of 10 year T-Bills over their period of employment! We could provide them with the "power of choice" to invest their Social Security and Medicare and they would not be allowed to get any other "entitlements" if they lost it all! That's it baby!
Medicare we could refund all their Medicare payments, plus interest and let them take their "power of choice, self-made man money" and they could buy into the Private sector health Insurance at the fair market price. They don't want deals, so let them pay what a 65 year old should pay to Humana, Well Point, Kaiser, United Health, Aetna, AIG.
we would have them tea-party guys screaming "Keep Government Out Of My Medicare and Social Security" famous T-bagger sign, how ironic!
Are the Adventists looking to attract downtrodden JW's?
by donny insorry if anyone has already posted on this but i did not see anything related in the few pages of active topics i checked.. last saturday i went to an oil change facilty and one of their perks is they give you a copy of the current usa today while you wait in your car.
on page 8a is a full page ad titled "liberty of conscience threatened.... a national sunday law will be established as the mark of the beast.".
the article then goes on a typical adventist rant about how saturday, not sunday, is the real sabbath established by god.
I found one thing odd, I know JWs would call on some S.A.D.s and have dialogue with open candor, until the Watchtower magazines were suppose to be exchanged with literature from their Church.
This turned into a Cholo stand-off, as JWs don't want to accept anyone's literature since they have the absolute truth, while the S.A.D.s were willing to read the WTs, if the dubs read their literature so they could share competing ideas.
The dubs are not very meek when it comes to understanding other people's points of view, unless they read what other's believe through the "eye of the Society's writers".
JWs wan't people to talk to them about "What we believe, don't ask those nasty ex-jws, they won't give you the truth! JWs on the other hand are not willing to give that same courtesies to another religion, "we will get back to you after we read the 1950s Watchtower and learn what you believe."
Dubs are as fearful of handling another person's religious tracts the way a Vampire fears going up in smoke at noon-day Sun!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in
the koch brothers have made sure their fear tactics are in full swing, threatening their employees of the "dire america and layoffs that face their employees if obama is re-elected!".
the bullies of paper and pulp laid off most of their oregonian work-force, and hired them back at one-third their payrate.
Murmering from Mitt Romney/ Paul Ryan's camp is now attacking Chris Christies candid remarks of "Obama being a great source of comfort and getting things done!"
Christie is being called on for telling "Fock and Friends" with his "If you think this is about politics, you don't know me!". Christy is a big man and everyone in the Liberial side of the media has been saying "he did a Hell of a job!"
Now "Fockers and Friends" and Romney camp are promising he is going to pay for his kind remarks about Obama's leadership with Sandy! What a crock!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in
the koch brothers have made sure their fear tactics are in full swing, threatening their employees of the "dire america and layoffs that face their employees if obama is re-elected!".
the bullies of paper and pulp laid off most of their oregonian work-force, and hired them back at one-third their payrate.
The Koch Brothers have made sure their fear tactics are in full swing, threatening their employees of the "dire America and layoffs that face their employees if Obama is re-elected!"
The Bullies of Paper and Pulp laid off most of their Oregonian work-force, and hired them back at one-third their payrate. Republicans are bullies with the little guy, the same men who used Wall Street to fleece Teacher's Pension Funds, have no qualms telling laid-off employees how the "hatchet-man Mitten's is going to make things better!" Vegas and the Billionaire Casino owners threaten their min-wage employees, I love them!
Are the Adventists looking to attract downtrodden JW's?
by donny insorry if anyone has already posted on this but i did not see anything related in the few pages of active topics i checked.. last saturday i went to an oil change facilty and one of their perks is they give you a copy of the current usa today while you wait in your car.
on page 8a is a full page ad titled "liberty of conscience threatened.... a national sunday law will be established as the mark of the beast.".
the article then goes on a typical adventist rant about how saturday, not sunday, is the real sabbath established by god.
Hi barry, Walter Martin held the view they were cults before his period of rest in a SDA hospital (Psyche was the rumors) Currently Ravvi Zaccarias who was a co-author or updated author with "Kingdom of the Cults" hold the view "SAD are a cult religion. S.A.D. jumped at the chance to have Walter Martin (It's in debate whether Walter's Doctorates are Kosher) do an about face in 1965 that considered them Christian. To date, there are many members of Fundamental Christianity who consider them a cult.
The Seventh-Day Adventists are an anomaly. Evangelical Christians have never been comfortable with them, but they have been unable to decide whether the SDA is a legitimate expression of Christianity or whether it is a cult, like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.
The majority view among contemporary cult-watchers is that it is a cult. But the most authoritative cult expert in modern Christian history, Dr. Walter Martin (1928-1989), decided in 1965 that "it is perfectly possible to be a Seventh-Day Adventist and be a true follower of Jesus Christ, despite heterodox concepts." 1 This conclusion caused a storm of controversy because Dr. Martin had earlier labeled the SDA a cult in his book published in 1955 called The Rise of the Cults. 2
Yet, shortly before he died, Dr. Martin expressed conflicted second thoughts in a television interview:
"I fear that if they continue to progress at this rate, then the classification of a cult can't possibly miss being reapplied to Seventh-Day Adventists because once you have an interpreter of Scripture, a final court of appeal that tells you what Scripture means - as soon as you judge Scripture by that, as soon as you have someone who has made doctrinal errors in the past, even on the deity of Christ and the doctrine of the atonement and on other things, and that person is raised to that position of authority, you have polarization around that person." 3
If Christendom's foremost cult expert could not make up his mind about the status of the SDA, you can certainly understand why others have experienced equal difficulty. So, what about it? Does the SDA deserve the designation of a cult?
This next link is not so kind to the SAD, in his writings Martin made a mistake, other apologist think Walter Martin had a nervous break-down and went to a S.A.D. convelence home, and was brain-washed (a rumor I heard in the 1980s) of Martin's straying from his Fundie allies. What is the real truth, and why Walter Martin created some type of alliance with the SDA has baffled apologist in the 1960s until now. Oh, how I love conspiracy theories dealing with religion. Peace Barry!