Ok, so I seriously do this when I get mad at the ignorance... I talk like I am reading info straight out of a WT magazine.
ex: I am trying to get my husband to learn about false predictions. so i say..
" In the last 100 years there have been many false prophets among the nations. But there is one that is worse then all the others. In times hard to deal with we look for answers and sometimes the obvious ones arent the right ones. Would you, dear brother, agree that in unionwith the scripture written by ___ that says all prophets make a prediction that fails to come true should be put to death because it is clear that he really isnt speaking for god. In accordance with this scripture and with god would you not agree that the WTBS would be subject to death since they too made these false predictions. How loving of us would it be to acknowledge this and cut ourselves off from false prophets before jah's day of revenge"
I think its working...? I hope..
Anyone else use their own "suggestive" language?