Letters August 24th & 25th, 2014 "Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers", for Italy:
JoinedPosts by hildebrando
New method of appointing Regular Pioneers!
by stuckinarut2 ina new arrangement for appointing regular pioneers has been announced.. in the past, a person would have to fill in a form from the society, this would have to be approved by the local elders, then this would be sent to the branch for final approval and appointment.. now it is just the local elders that approve it.
it doesn't need the branch approval any more.. they are selling it as a way to "speed up the process in order to be more effective in the ministry during these urgent times blah blah".
BOE HOT Regular pioneers and Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers
by WatchTower87 in2014-08-25 regular pioneers:to all bodies of elders.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
he may also wish to update the congregation copy of the index to lettersfor bodies of elders (s-22) at this time as well.
New method of appointing Regular Pioneers!
by stuckinarut2 ina new arrangement for appointing regular pioneers has been announced.. in the past, a person would have to fill in a form from the society, this would have to be approved by the local elders, then this would be sent to the branch for final approval and appointment.. now it is just the local elders that approve it.
it doesn't need the branch approval any more.. they are selling it as a way to "speed up the process in order to be more effective in the ministry during these urgent times blah blah".
Stuckinarut2, "Gods' unified organization" is a myth. You see the Meeting Place Maintenance/Safety Checklist (CN-14)... 3 different form used by México, Argentina and Colombia...
New method of appointing Regular Pioneers!
by stuckinarut2 ina new arrangement for appointing regular pioneers has been announced.. in the past, a person would have to fill in a form from the society, this would have to be approved by the local elders, then this would be sent to the branch for final approval and appointment.. now it is just the local elders that approve it.
it doesn't need the branch approval any more.. they are selling it as a way to "speed up the process in order to be more effective in the ministry during these urgent times blah blah".
Letter March 3th, 2009.
Letters August 24th & 25th, 2014 "Appointment and deletion of regular pioneers".
Application for Regular Pioneer Service, S-205, 8/14 and S-236:
Barranquilla Assembly Hall (Colombia) Dedication Program, by Anthony Morris III
by hildebrando infull program, september 2014: photos, audios and videos.
dedication and service talks, and prayers in english:.
Full Program, September 2014: Photos, audios and videos. Dedication and Service Talks, and prayers in English:
JW.ORG logo at Kingdom Hall
by Gorbatchov inyesterday i drove to mcdonalds and noticed that the nearby kingdom hall had the new blue jw.org logo.. the rebranding has started here in holland.. g.. .
Letter from Mexico Branch:
Letters from Colombia and Argentina Branches:
by hildebrando in"note to instructors: this copyrighted material is for your personal use only.
do not photocopy or reproduce in any way, in whole or in part.".
full text in english: http://hildeydesa.blogspot.com/2014/08/metodos-de-ensenanza-para-el.html.
"Note to Instructors: This copyrighted material is for your personal use only. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY OR REPRODUCE in any way, in whole or in part."
Full Text in english: http://hildeydesa.blogspot.com/2014/08/metodos-de-ensenanza-para-el.html
"Kingdom Hall Construction Guidelines For Lands With Limited Resources" ¡leaked!
by hildebrando in"these guidelines are for use by branch personnel and those directly involved in the program.
they are not for general distribution... the material presented describes how this program is coordinated internationally through regional kingdom hall offices and how it is supervised at the branch level by the various branch committees re-sponsible.
it explains how volunteers are obtained for the program and how modest standard kingdom hall plans are developed based on local building materials and methods.
"Kingdom Hall Construction Guidelines For Lands With Limited Resources" ¡leaked!
by hildebrando in"these guidelines are for use by branch personnel and those directly involved in the program.
they are not for general distribution... the material presented describes how this program is coordinated internationally through regional kingdom hall offices and how it is supervised at the branch level by the various branch committees re-sponsible.
it explains how volunteers are obtained for the program and how modest standard kingdom hall plans are developed based on local building materials and methods.
Thank you, Atlantis!
NeonMadman, you don't have to pay for a subscription to Scribd to read online the Guidelines.
Greetings to all!
"Kingdom Hall Construction Guidelines For Lands With Limited Resources" ¡leaked!
by hildebrando in"these guidelines are for use by branch personnel and those directly involved in the program.
they are not for general distribution... the material presented describes how this program is coordinated internationally through regional kingdom hall offices and how it is supervised at the branch level by the various branch committees re-sponsible.
it explains how volunteers are obtained for the program and how modest standard kingdom hall plans are developed based on local building materials and methods.
"These Guidelines are for use by branch personnel and those directly involved in the program. They are not for general distribution... The material presented describes how this program is coordinated internationally through Regional Kingdom Hall Offices and how it is supervised at the branch level by the various Branch Committees re-sponsible. It explains how volunteers are obtained for the program and how modest standard Kingdom Hall plans are developed based on local building materials and methods. It also gives guidelines for the selection of property and reviews the process of building low cost yet adequate Kingdom Halls that re-flect well on our worship."
Full Text in english: http://hildeydesa.blogspot.com/2014/08/manual-pautas-para-la-construccion-de.html