Heaven, the incident happened a number of years ago and I believe I read about it in Ray Franz's book....not sure, but alot of Bethelites knew about it. It's been mentioned on WA too, I think. Gawd, this swiss cheese I call my brain! : - )
wonder if she'll have to be face to face with the three new york articles that came out today.. i'm crossing my fingers and praying.
she's a sociologist (believe it or not) and knows about social issues.
just that she says "talk to the hand" whenever anything is negative about dubs.. but this -- this she wont be able to ignore.
Heaven, the incident happened a number of years ago and I believe I read about it in Ray Franz's book....not sure, but alot of Bethelites knew about it. It's been mentioned on WA too, I think. Gawd, this swiss cheese I call my brain! : - )
well we got the phone call from the elder to let us know of the decision to disfellowship us.
the one elder called while the other sat on the phone as a "witness".
the second elder was once a close friend.
Spoken like a true Borgasite, a parrot taught well! Congratulations you replayed their garbage perfectly!!!!!
Out and Proud of it,
Terri Crowe-Perry
well we got the phone call from the elder to let us know of the decision to disfellowship us.
the one elder called while the other sat on the phone as a "witness".
the second elder was once a close friend.
Dearest Barbara,
I know how you feel! Three years ago, I left the Borg also, but I came away with no one. I decided that in order for me to become the healthy person I needed to become that my marriage had to go too. We were married twenty years, and he was an elder for fifteen of those twenty. I am part of WA, in fact, they saved my ass many times. Being part of that wonderful group of ladies has been one of God's blessings in my life and I can definitely say amen to your comment about God sending wonderful people into your life. He/She has done the same for me. For the most part my life has become so much better, I read and watch what I want to and am finally becoming a more well rounded balanced person. I still have alot of growing to do, but I am definitely feeling the freedom that leaving the Borg has given me! My prayers are with you and your family.
Love your sis,
wonder if she'll have to be face to face with the three new york articles that came out today.. i'm crossing my fingers and praying.
she's a sociologist (believe it or not) and knows about social issues.
just that she says "talk to the hand" whenever anything is negative about dubs.. but this -- this she wont be able to ignore.
Hi Ladies! I'm finding this talk about Lyman Swingle fascinating. I guess even though I was a Dub for 25 years I was too bent on being a good one that I didn't listen to the grapevine enough. Also, does anyone know about the high level governing body member who had a homosexual affair with a young man at Bethel who then jumped to his death at Bethel?
, http://www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2002/05/08/ke050802s203205.htm.
jehovah's witnesses act against abuse-policy critics .
by peter smith .
Hi All! Just wanted to let y'all know that in agreement with Bill's request on another thread, I sent an email off to about 7 newspapers, CNN, NYTimes, NYPost, etc....at this point, 2:00 p.m. east coast time, I've heard personally from 2 of the staff writers, and 2 more automatic responses!!! I'm just thrilled that they got them and responded back~every little bit helps. Here's the letter I sent....
May 10, 2002
I am responding to the article of May 9, 2002 “Four Jehovah’s Witnesses fight Church’s handling of Child Abuse Cases.”
In recent months coverage of the various religious organizations hiding child abusers has become unavoidable. One would have to live on top of a high mountain to avoid all the heartbreaking details of the myriad cases.
As a former member for twenty five years and elder’s wife, I would like to address one particular group: Jehovah’s Witnesses and the outstanding stand that Mr. William Bowen and others have taken to bring these horrifying conditions to light. I would like to name the other significant parties involved in the latest high profile cases: the Pandelos of New Jersey and Mrs. Anderson of Tennessee. My heart and good wishes go out to these victims of derailed justice from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Brooklyn, New York.
I mentioned that I was an elder’s wife for part of those twenty five years, so I know intimately the policy that is put into effect when cases come up to their “judicial bodies”. From first hand experience I state, the main concern is always how the information will affect the organization and the name of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I can’t tell you how many times we were urged from the platform to not “give anything for the newspapers to publish that would bring reproach on the name of Jehovah”. I have personally heard members urged not to seek outside intervention for the same reason. I’m not sure if my letter will be of any assistance in the above cases, but I felt morally obligated to side with openness and honesty to save anyone elses children from having to be subjected to such hurtful practices. It is time for the doors to be thrown wide open and fresh air and light to reveal the sick secrets being perpetrated on innocents.
I remain,
Terri L. Crowe-Perry
Former member of the
New Britain Central Cong.
Of Jehovah’s Witnesses
New Britain, CT
i just noticed some more anti apostate lessons in the latest watchtower.
here is a scan of the offending article, may 15, 2002, p. 27 .
looks like we are all now poisonous roots, and a fellow believer must not divulge confidential matters that might endanger them.
Dungbeetle wrote: "Here ya go pathofthorns and moxy and whoever else that would rather believe the one-hundred year-plus lyin' sacks of sh** Watchtower ovewr hundreds and hundreds of victims"
PlmKrzy, it sure sounded that way to me too....
, http://www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2002/05/08/ke050802s203205.htm.
jehovah's witnesses act against abuse-policy critics .
by peter smith .
Airmail, you said: "Having dealt with this problem my self with abused people, and reading the above story of disgruntled members im wondering if they ever helped a victim or they are just using it for an excuse to leave the wt society."
When I was "in", I knew of a case personally....the sister was in my bookstudy, my husband was an elder on the committee handling it...she talked to me about it, etc.....Her father was an elder....she tried everything within her powers to bring this man to justice, but could not get him to confess to having done this to her. Some of her family, i.e., her brother and sister were against her....she showed great courage. So, yes, I know someone "personally" and tried to be a support to her, emotionally. But, one thing I'd like to mention is that was not what made me leave the Borg, although, in hindsight, it does make an impact. There are many many other reasons I left, doctrinal issues, trust issues, honesty issues being some of them. My point being that there are plenty of objections that can be stated other than this one issue.
i was really touched by those who responded to my story.
since posting it however, i have not felt like the strong person those who replied made me out to be.. between posting my story, wanting to post my story at silentlambs, and the pure bullshit the wts is spewing and causing those honest souls who risk and are feeling the wrath of the gestapo to protect victims, i haven't slept; my nerves are on a raw edge; my migraines won't go; i'm on the verge of tears out of the blue; i'm afraid of nightfall; i'm afraid of noises, of phonecalls, of mail.
i'd kick the crap outa my heavy bag if i had the energy.
Girl, you are soooo strong, but I know how you feel, because people say the same thing to me when I'm going through the shit storm of life and feeling totally incapable of dealing with it. : - ) Then, I get to the other side and I look back in surprise and go: "Hmmm, I guess I am stronger than I thought!" Keep in mind when you are going through it that the feelings make you feel incapable of dealing with it because they are soooo overwhelming, but remember, feelings are not fact, they are feelings, they will pass! I was never so pissed off recently when my sponsor said to me: "you're okay, you just don't know it yet" I was so angry! I felt like she was making light of my pain and had no clue as to how horrible "my life" was at that moment! But, she was right! I did make it through and I AM okay! Just to give you a brief idea of what happened: I had been dating a man for a year, he had even asked me to marry him and then I found out he took another woman out to a dance and went home with her. Not nice at all. One of the worst kinds of betrayals a woman can experience from a person who supposedly loves her. But, I'm okay, I really really am and it's given me knowledge and power that I can use for the future!
i've lurked here for some time now, and posted a few times but wasn't going to do this until a couple other sweet members here suggested i do - so here it goes.
to tell my story, i have to go back to the beginning.. when i was 3yrs old, i had a very loving older brother, craig, who was 5yrs old.
while we were out playing on a montreal street one day, a streetcleaner with a hungover driver hooked my brother, dragged him several feet, and ran over him, in front of me.
Mimilly, my heart is with you and your indomitable spirit! The next time I even dare to think I had it rough growing up, I will remember your story. I, too, have gone to a twelve step program, and feel the same way you do about the spirituality. I laughed when I read that, because you sounded so much like me! Know that this lady thinks you're great, awesome in fact, and sends you big, warm, hugs and love!
A Fellow Survivor!
got more information recently.. brooklyn bethel is downsizing , bigtime.. first, they are moving a lot of printing out of brooklyn.
and into "regional" branches, perhaps closer to where.
the material is distributed.
Hi! So, it has come to pass that the Tower is the only thing fading away.....this world is going on as per usual. I have to wonder how the "friends" will all take this? If I were still "in" I'd be wondering why they were giving so much power to outside worldly sources....unless they are using "contacts" i.e. businesses that are run and/or owned by JDubs. This is verrrrry interrrresting, as the Nazi guy on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In used to say!
: - )