Hi Elsewhere, I'm sorry for that......if I knew what that meant! LOL! Really, I'm sorry, tell me how I can correct it or if I can? I'd really really like to share it with you all cuz it is so damn funny and cute too!
Hi Elsewhere, I'm sorry for that......if I knew what that meant! LOL! Really, I'm sorry, tell me how I can correct it or if I can? I'd really really like to share it with you all cuz it is so damn funny and cute too!
i love my family.
but i've been stressed and depressed because of them.
and i just need to gain some understanding.. being raised in a jw family laid alot of pressure and guilt on me.
I just finished reading the rest of the posts on this page and was shocked with your description of the attack by your mom. Your mom has a very very serious problem.....I would never darken her door again if I were you. There is absolutely NO reason on this earth that made it okay for her to attack you and punch you! She needs some serious anger management counselling.....and that demonized comment she made opens another whole can of worms....sweetie she is NOT a safe or emotionally stable person to be around. Cut your losses and get the hell away from the whole situation. Then, get into some counseling for yourself to deal with the understandable feelings that are boiling under your surface. Please keep us all posted as to how things are going! I'll listen anytime you want to talk....my email addy is [email protected] Email me!
ALSO, FOR REASONS OF CLARIFICATION, I want to make it very clear that the comment about being amongst blacks and puertoricans was not meant as a racial slur....it was a description of how I grew up......whitebread thru and thru in a small town in upstate NY. Nothing was intended other than that.
i love my family.
but i've been stressed and depressed because of them.
and i just need to gain some understanding.. being raised in a jw family laid alot of pressure and guilt on me.
Nickey, at 22 I was married and living in a totally unknown city that was multi-racial....the first time I was ever amongst blacks and puertoricans in my whole young life.....I was a real "country girl" but I managed to survive! (The city I lived in was referred to by other surrounding cities and some of the inhabitants as the "armpit of the world") What your parents are going thru are normal feelings that have been twisted and expanded by the WTS brainwashing about the world we live in......oooh watch out for the BIG BAD WORLD!!! Although I'm not saying you can be totally carefree, I am saying that you will find alot of great stuff out here in this world to enjoy! And, if a totally non-street smart person like me could make a go of it, anyone can!
Go for it and enjoy the ride!
you ever have one of those things that happen to you that just leaves you speechless.
well the other day one of my best friends (someone i have known for years) told me that they might have cancer.
they have a tumor in their leg that just changed size as well as a small lump in their arm.
Hi Spice, I just wrote a nice long response to you, but when I hit the submit button, it disappeared. I had a lump on my neck when I was 16, and they thought it was cancer because my mom had had two surgeries for breast cancer that year. They cut me open, a nice 6 inch opening and found that it was a natural "pocket" that had filled with junk and gotten infected. I had to wear a rubber tube in my neck for a couple days after the surgery and it tooks months/years for the feeling to return to my face, but, bottom line, it was not cancer. Not all lumps are, as has been well illustrated here. Try to maintain a positive attitude.....it will do wonders for your friend!
just curious.
i get the impression from reading posts that a great deal are.
i also noticed while i was studying with them that virtually everybody has/had a relative that was disfellowshipped or knew someone who is/was.
ME ME ME!!!!!!! (I was glad to go!)
being raised a witness, my mother has asked me whether or not i held her responsible for her bringing me up in the way that she has.
i feel that my upbringing is something my mother can be proud about.
even though i do not believe in the "truth", i do feel that she did a good job of raising us.
I pretty much agree with Outoftheorg, nobodies fault, cuz they only knew from what their parents taught them. Of course, there are times, like in my sister's and my case, that a cycle is broken. Neither my sister or I have become alcoholics like my dad, and my sister's boys are great kids, even if she doesn't speak to me anymore! I think considering what my mother dealt with she did an awesome job, and I love her and am grateful for the moral code she gave me for a foundation. It has helped me become a very loving and compassionate person in my life.
my mother told me that she got a video from a sister that already went to the convention.
the entire program was recorded except for the prayers.
the sister said the society says we have to shut off the recording if the prayer is being given.
Minimus, I wasn't challenging Blondie. I merely brought the point out that I had been in 'til around '99, can't exactly remember (subconscious amnesia I bet ) and her info was from '93. End of comment. No challenge meant.
i know more persons that are depressed than i know that are not.
whether a person was a witness or not, so many are affected with depression.
i've read here that many jw's were on either regular medication or silently accepted their depression with much prayer and tears.
My serious depression began in 1981, about 1 1/2 years after I got married. I had had a rough childhood, like so many, with a dysfunctional parent, and then the Borg got hold of me and made everything worse by heaping God Guilt on me. For me, my depression seems to stem from feelings of powerlessness...i.e., when I got married, I soon found that all those doubts about this being a good thing were founded in truth, and I felt trapped, totally trapped with this person I knew was not who I was looking for. Still, we managed to last twenty years together, although I was miserable the whole time and I've recently begun to realize that all through the marriage he had been battling against his resentment towards me, even though he never acknowledged it verbally. I think he had managed to partition his frustration and sadness off in his own mind, so he wouldn't have to acknowledge that we had serious difficulties. The reason I know this is we talked many many times about his seeming inability to show affection to me, and we always ended up going round in circles about it, and it was always just arguments with nothing resolved. And, I think, that he subconciously, revolted against my despair, because he never changed, or tried to change. Recently, he and I were chatting, (he's married again, got married 4 months after we were officially divorced to a sister in FL) on line, and he made the comment to me that he hated to hear from all our former friends that he was never what I wanted....so, finally, he is acknowledging things.....and, from all accounts, he is happily married to wife number two.
Anyways, wanted to use that as an example, and now, I'm on a great antianxiety med. and it has made all the difference! I'm in a relationship of three years and we fit like a hand and glove. Yes, we butt heads from time to time, cuz we are both strong personalities, but the affection and openness is there, what I was looking for is there in this relationship!!! Also, after I got out of the Borg, I began doing heaps of research on all kinds of things that I had felt blocked from before, and being able to follow my interests and passion have helped the depression subside. I also am a stronger, more independent person now, which has contributed to my self worth. I'm hoping, someday, to be able to go off the meds, but if I don't then that's okay too.
I have to tell everyone how SHOCKED I was! And, just could not believe the level of cruelty/drunkenness that this woman exhibited!