JoinedTopics Started by sunscapes
Dateline Time Confirmed...8 EDT, 7 Central Tues.
by sunscapes in"we will see you tuesday, at a special time, 8 eastern, 7 central.".
right from the horse's mouth on tonight's show.. that settles it.
TLC Program -- Car Crash with JW
by sunscapes ini posted this in another thread...did anyone see this very program?
the learning channel in one of those wild police chase video programs.... about the "music".... did any one here watch a tlc program that comes on once in a while about wild police chases and there's this chase where a car crashes into a set of gas pumps, and just sits there stunned and dazed in his white car while the officers yell at him to get out now, then one of the officers sacrifices his safety and uses his cruiser to bump off this freak from the burning gas pump island and out of the fire....then an officer comments on the blaring "classical music" he heard blaring from his car stereo at full blast all the while he seemed oblivious to this whole situation?.
guess what that "classical music" at full blast was?
Don't Give Away Your Good Self-Esteem!
by sunscapes ini took this quote from another thread, because i thought it had universal appeal here:.
tr said,.
try putting some confidense in yourself.
A lost sheep on H20 guys...
by sunscapes in
thank you, a thousand times thank you.
it's nice to hear others sharing open mindedness about life and love and belief as well.
I finally did it!
by sunscapes inyes, i've been meaning to do this for a long, long time and ordered these:.
i never buy many books [:0] but it's about time, don't ya think!
Illuminati? New World Order? Bush? Sept. 11?
by sunscapes innew world order?
Why does shunning hurt so much uniquely among JWs?
by sunscapes inwhat makes shunning in this religion real tough to deal with...(as opposed to being defrocked or ex-communicated, etc.):::.
why it's not as simple as "why don't you just walk away?".
1-many jws lack social skills from birth in jw upbringings, lack of diversity in associations, controlled environments sheltered from the real world.. 2-lack of outside contacts or support "safety net" of outside mentors.. 3-discouragement of seeking any outside independent sources, education or professional help or information.
Make the Trooth Your own...
by sunscapes inspreading the truth in canada (or any of those scandinavian type countries).
Help me get to the root of the library card issue!
by sunscapes inunited nations .
dear ms. xx,.
the procedure for a library pass is the following: the interested party needs to fill out an application form and supply a letter of recommendation in support of the research.