Yeah I had to suffer thru it too.
His stupid "guy tried to kill himself to escape OCD, but instead cured it, so don't go to this extreme" illustration (or whatever the hell you call it) annoyed me - he used a man's attempted suicide as a joke basically.
Also wow at his porn facts - I think he REALLY liked talking about those stats. He talked about how many ppl access porn sites in a minute, in an hour, how many films are produced in the US in 24 hours, how 9/10 men and 3/10 women regularly access online porn, etc.
After that I lost concentration and have no recollection of what exactly he talked about - he's a terribly dull speaker. But yeah he came down super hard on education.
He brought up the fact that "70% of freshman go to post-secondary for MORE MONEY" - of course this is what ppl focus on when going to post-secondary. Does he seriously expect people to make over $20/hour without a post-secondary education, with the exception of trades? (I know you can get a good salary without post-secondary but this is increasingly hard to do in the 2010s) I guess we all should be making minimum wage for the rest of our lives and focus on pioneering!
Including the musical interlude, Watchtower summary, Canada stats, and Losch's talk, the program was 2h 40m... zzzzzzz