I was talking to my wife about this the other day. The majority of JWs are just trying to live normal lives, make money while they can, enjoy life now, prepare for retirement. The GB does try to build urgency for the great tribulation, but the current 35 - 45 yr old JWs have seen there parents grow old, while never expecting 'this system' to hang around. They know better than to put all their eggs in the WT new system basket.
The WT regularly says things like 'the kingdom preaching work should be the number one focus in our lives'. How many JWs could honestly say that it is? Witnessing for the majority is just a token service that they give because they are told it is required. Even many of the younger elders don't live like we are in the 'last of the last days'.
I know quite a few young family men who are pretty good JWs, they attend the meetings, out witnessing nearly every Saturday without fail. But they can't get considered for MS appointment because they don't get enough hours in. The GB will have to lower the standards for MS and elder requirements. Either that or wait for the next September 11 scale catastrophe that they can use to beat up the urgency. They need to do something because there is a major problem with young brothers not reaching out in the org. At the last elders school I heard from a few different attendees that the average age was easily 60+. There will be a lot of elders gone within the next 10yrs. There is nowhere near enough young brothers to replace these ageing elders. This is going to be a huge burden on the society fairly soon.