Also I strongly recommend anyone to learn about the Jesuits and the control they have on various levelse of our lives, including education and what we are purposely being kept away from. Like a lot of biblical evidence that we are restricted from and when someone takes an individual decision to study these places, some mainstream archeologists (oddly enough connected to some secret society) comes out and ridicules that "lowly" "inexperienced" "ignorant" archeologist or scientist. Just saying because our lives are in peril whether you belive in God or not. These demon possessed people do not care and we are all going to get it. But that's another subject
So much for just staying on topic, huh?
It does sound like a fascinating subject though, maybe start another thread entitled, "The demon possessed Jesuists, will anyone survive"....or something along those lines.
I wish you the best in the godless, demon possessed world, watch out for those heavy rains.'