Ssssorry. Sssnake man is back.
Once creation is ruled out then all sorts of flights of imagination can occur.
The irony in this comment is astounding. Creation myths have never allowed for flights of imagination.
i am posting a second topic on this subject since the first one became overrun by snakes.. cofty posted a link to a published paper discussing this topic and referred to the information in it as "facts".
here is my summary of that paper along with comments on it.. one of the opening statements says that:.
two frequently debated aspects of hominin evolution are the development of upright bipedal stance and reduction in body hair.. so for those who believe this is a stupid topic, it is a subject of interest to many stupid people including the authors of the paper referred to by cofty.
Ssssorry. Sssnake man is back.
Once creation is ruled out then all sorts of flights of imagination can occur.
The irony in this comment is astounding. Creation myths have never allowed for flights of imagination.
to save us all a lot of time and effort..... [some complex structure in living organisms described].
[i can't imagine how this could be the product of evolution].
[therefore god created it].
I love my kids incredibly and there is no way such a special bond can be explained by science. It's God.
Even if it can be explained by science, I won't be listening, I am still going to say God because I have a strong emotional connection to my beliefs.
evolution paints human ancestors covered with fur.
fur has several benefits as stated by britannica "the pelts of fur-bearing animals are called true furs when they consist of two elements: a dense undercoat, called ground hair, and longer hairs, extending beyond that layer, called guard hair.
the principal function of ground hair is to maintain the animal’s body temperature; that of guard hair is to protect the underlying fur and skin and to shed rain or snow.".
If evolution were true we should be furry. We should also have a bum rope, like spiders do.
as we know, every month on the "official broadcasting" presentation, a new "music video" is presented.. can these possibly be any more cringe-worthy??.
the words, music, singing are so, so bad....i mean, so bad!.
surely witnesses are not so stupid that they don't harbor secret feelings of awkwardness when they see these?.
Stephen Lett alone should make anyone squirm uncomfortably in disbelief. What a sick joke the GB broadcasts are.
It can't be helping their cause at all, putting these miserable sods on show was a mistake.
at a recent meeting there was a watchtower article about life in paradise.
they were saying that even when witnesses finally get there they will still be under the strict instructions from the elders and gb.
they may be given jobs that they will find unpleasant, also the preaching work will be ongoing because of all the resurrected people who need to learn about why they are given another chance.
If the GB and elders are going to have control for 1000 years, the world will be a dangerous place for children with the amount of pedophiles getting around.
Satan's system punishes pedophiles, Jehovah's organization protects them.
There is no amount of fruit platters or pet pandas that will sweeten that deal.
watchtower refuses to translate stauros as cross despite having no evidence to refute the long-standing ancient belief that jesus died on a cross; and in spite of evidence that the romans were in fact using crosses in executions by jesus' day.
they shun the word simply because of the use of crosses in ancient pagan religions.. watchtower refuses to refer to their places of worship with the word church because of the word's supposed pagan origin or past usage to refer to pagan places of worship.. now contrast watchtower's self-righteous attitude of avoiding the use of all words having pagan religious usages, with the new testament verse of 2 peter 2:4:.
certainly god did not refrain from punishing the angels who sinned, but threw them into tarʹta·rus, putting them in chains of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment.. tartarus is a word that had rich pagan mythological meaning when it was written in the nt.
They don't even like the fact that they are members in what's called "religion".
They call it "da troof"
so the study article 'setting your mind on the spirit means life and peace.
' at paragraph 9 a little pictorial lecture for anyone setting their minds on the flesh.
brother fleshly minded talking about having a sailboat.
I think the message is; if you don't waste time and money on boats, Jehovah will reward you with a boat.
do you remember that my dad passed away last year and i was going back to the witnesses after 26 years?
i got reinstated after going there for 9 months.
in the 5 months since then i felt the men in the congregation didn't want me there.
I was questioned by him aggressively for 2 hours, but I stood up to him
That's 2 hours longer than I could handle.
it is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
I hate God in the same way I hate the prison warden from The Shawshank Redemption.
These mean old fictional characters are easy to hate.
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
It all depends on the local Pharisees.
Most elders are willing to accept a few pedophiles in the congregation, but beards are a step to far.