Cofty use to link an article written by a Christian scientist that detailed exactly how radioactive dating works.
I am sure he will know the one and could link it here when he catches the thread.
since coming out of the witnesses, i have gone through a transformation in thought and in mind.
i started with the usual: i thought that jesus was god.
then i investigated more about the bible and thought that the bible was not true, given the many contradictions, failed prophecies, etc.. then i investigated evolution and read lots and now i accept evolution and natural selection as things that are true.. now, i need to make my dad rethink everything.
Cofty use to link an article written by a Christian scientist that detailed exactly how radioactive dating works.
I am sure he will know the one and could link it here when he catches the thread.
i popped into town this morning to buy an anniversary card for mrs cofty.
it is market day on a saturday and it's tourist season so the town was very busy.
here is a picture of the scene from a year ago... two cult carts were in their favourite place being guarded by none other than one of the elders who was on my judicial committee, his wife and another jw woman in her electric disability buggy.
Cheers for relating that Cofty that was funny.
I think that this scandal will keep Aussie JWs away from those carts (preaching work)?
Its a tough religion to be in when you have to go out in public and defend pedophiles.
if you watched the questioning of terrence o'brien by angus stewart at day 7 part 3 on youtube--thanks so much for uploading these videos--you'll see that mr. stewart puts quite clearly to brother o'brien that the jw 0rganization is a "captive organization".. he makes this reference regarding the practice of da/df'ing and shunning, which he mentions is the one thing that makes ex-jw's the most angry.
because insisting on shunning ex-members causes psychological trauma and separates people from their family, friends and their community of support; therefore, they are held captive by the organization if they don't want to lose those most dear to them.. i believe angus stewart is to be commended for seeing clearly what the wt/jw religion is truly like in practice, and it isn't pretty.. the term "captive organization" is usually used in finance to mean a business front, a legal veil that shields the parent company from liability and having to make big insurance payouts.
for example if the australian branch gets sued and loses, the "wt australia" corporation will pay the amount awarded by the judge to the complainant.
I think he meant it in the JWs are a filthy cult sense.
the way she schooled terrence on the scriptures at the end of today's hearings was fantastic entertainment.
i think this woman could have a long line of wt abuse victims wanting her to represent them.
her questions are much better than bcgs lawyer.
The way she schooled Terrence on the scriptures at the end of today's hearings was fantastic entertainment.
I think this woman could have a long line of WT abuse victims wanting her to represent them. Her questions are much better than BCGs lawyer. BCGs lawyers questions end up in emotionally charged phrases.
It seems she has really taken the time into learning how the WTS operates at every level. She demands much more substance in a response to her questions, similar to Mr Stewart.
It's a shame she didnt represent one of the abuse victims at the commission, but I feel she will have that opportunity at some point. She may even get to question Demi God Jackson.
One other thing that has really bothered me as someone following the commission closely, the WT lawyer referring to Angus as his "Learned Friend" ..... Constantly. He must of said it 40 times. It seems Angus has adopted his terminology when referring to the WT desk, who look increasingly uncomfortable.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
This man considers himself Apostate, knows he is indoctrinated and have been out of the ORG for over 20 years. He has also watched all days of the RC, and he still somewhat advocates for the JWs way regarding to many of these issues.
The more broader problem being the Bible and bible literalism and just stinking religion in general.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
Monty Bakers lawyer seems much shaper than BCGs.
These eldubs are shameless liars.,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".