This is good, but a few hours to late. I have already taken my relationship advice from the Woman's Purpose thread.
Posts by 2+2=5
couples therapy
by zeb ini have often wished i knew better words to give here when i see couples 'bleeding'.
1. avoid letting the children take over your lives.
although you need to love and care for your children in the very best ways that you can, it’s also important that they don’t dominate your entire relationship.. children are an important part of your relationship.
The borg is fighting tooth and nail to not turn over sex abuse records, and the press is taking note :)
by EndofMysteries in
He was one of the anointed
In other words, he was completely delusional.
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
I conclude we were all farted into existence by a giant alien anus, and the entire universe in which we now live is just a giant gassy expulsion.
Unlike KateWild, I have watched nearly every episode of Scooby-Doo, so my conclusions are pretty solid.
Tips on how to raise money
by Holden Caufield ini need some ideas to raise money for my study research trip for west africa in cape coast ghana..
How healthy are your kidneys?
Three graphs in connection with the Watch Tower's current financial situation
by slimboyfat ina number of public statements by the governing body indicate that they are experiencing financial difficulty and they have appealed to jws to donate more money.
public information on the financial situation of the watchtower society is limited.
but what does the information they do publish indicate about their situation?
The increase in staff expenditure could be vast amounts of hush money paid under the table to prevent law suits from the rampant pedo problem.
Complaining over post dislikes / downvotes
by Simon inlet's be clear: people have the right to like or dislike what they want - that is why the option is there.
as long as they are not doing it in a malicious way to retaliate or game the system, there is no policing the votes.
if you get a down-vote, live with it.
The most innocuous comments often still get disliked, the most likely reason being sand in the vagina.
Three graphs in connection with the Watch Tower's current financial situation
by slimboyfat ina number of public statements by the governing body indicate that they are experiencing financial difficulty and they have appealed to jws to donate more money.
public information on the financial situation of the watchtower society is limited.
but what does the information they do publish indicate about their situation?
These graphs you have posted are eerily similar to Jesus presence since 1914.
Complaining over post dislikes / downvotes
by Simon inlet's be clear: people have the right to like or dislike what they want - that is why the option is there.
as long as they are not doing it in a malicious way to retaliate or game the system, there is no policing the votes.
if you get a down-vote, live with it.
Boy, that escalated quickly. -
Will Jehovah...
by watson inwhen jehovah brings armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children because they didn't believe in him?
since i've faded and i don't promote worshiping him anymore, i am just wondering.. at least i'd know for sure what kind of god he is?.
Just make it a matter of prayer. If you sincerely ask God for the chance to witness you progeny get killed, I am sure he will accomodate. He is a loving father. -
Young JW's attitudes
by Phizzy ini met an old friend last evening, a great guy, an xjw for longer than me.. during a conversation about our experiences since fading (neither of us are da'd or anything) we got to talking about the young jw's.. his wife is still in, and he has two lovely daughters who he is trying to teach the art of critical thinking so that they can make the right choice in the future.. what worries him though is that he is convinced almost all young jw's do not give a "proverbial" if it is the truth or not, they simply wish to remain in it because of the social aspects, loads of friends and activities that they feel safe partaking in etc etc.. so how do you convince these young people that they would have a better life if they left ?.
they see it as losing all their friends, and being alone and trying to build new relationships, which is mostly true.. how do we convince them to make the leap ?.
should they ?.
I agree that many young ones see the biggest advantage of being a JW as the social network. While they may not be as theocratically motivated and lack the enthusiasm for their own doctrine as the overlapping generation of JWs who came before, today's young ones are every bit as mentally trapped in the cult as those that passed on the baton of craziness.
In saying that, I think the WT is doomed and the current 15-30 year olds will be waking up in droves in the coming decades.