I think the message is; if you don't waste time and money on boats, Jehovah will reward you with a boat.
Posts by 2+2=5
Dec 2016 study edition 'Setting your mind on the spirit.' WTF?
by Esse quam videri inso the study article 'setting your mind on the spirit means life and peace.
' at paragraph 9 a little pictorial lecture for anyone setting their minds on the flesh.
brother fleshly minded talking about having a sailboat.
A Hard Lesson Learned
by Disassociated Lady 2 indo you remember that my dad passed away last year and i was going back to the witnesses after 26 years?
i got reinstated after going there for 9 months.
in the 5 months since then i felt the men in the congregation didn't want me there.
I was questioned by him aggressively for 2 hours, but I stood up to him
That's 2 hours longer than I could handle.
People hate God?
by looter init is a pain that certain individuals pride themselves on hating god, who created everything.
like it's understandable that you choose to not believe in him because of your selfishness or thinking skills but to hate him is forcing it a bit.
i'm very thankful that those such as myself have the courage to believe in the lord.
I hate God in the same way I hate the prison warden from The Shawshank Redemption.
These mean old fictional characters are easy to hate.
Beards mentioned again in magazine!
by neat blue dog inaaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
It all depends on the local Pharisees.
Most elders are willing to accept a few pedophiles in the congregation, but beards are a step to far.
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Ahhh...the old Golden-Age magazine, it's full of those gems.
It's too bad today's JWs don't read those, most of it is profound bullshit.
My Guitar, My Friend
by Tallon inone of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
Seriously dude......you don't think Bonham could play that in one take??! Where specifically do you think he multi tracked parts? His triplets are done with a single kick, many drummers have developed technique to play those triplets the way he did, and at a faster tempo.
This is blasphemy.
No need to respond actually, I am going to bow out of this one.
Enjoy your music :)
"If the Earth were just a little bit further from or closer to the Sun, we would all freeze or burn"
by Island Man ini'm sure we've all heard this argument by theists employing the fine-tuning argument.
are you aware, however, of exactly how much this "little bit" really is?
theists would have us think that the slightest change in the distance would have drastic implications for survivability.
Yes, and who can get forget all those finely tuned mass extinctions.
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Jehovah. Jehovah all the way for you Formerbrother. It's settled. Jesus and Stephen Lett love you.
You should scurry back to the KH right now, I hear the elders are really reaching out to those who are reaching out.
Doesn't matter your age, sex or nationality, they will try to put a dick in you and get your money. Enjoy.
My Guitar, My Friend
by Tallon inone of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
I have my own recording studio. I can listen to any song and sit down and play the drums right after listening to the song
Holy shit!! I had no idea you were this good. I would love to be able to do that.
I am sure however you were speaking out of your arse, and in fact you couldn't come close to covering anything remotely similar to what is in "any song".
Honestly, how full of shit can someone get??
Calling it a gross exaggeration wouldn't really cover it, that's why I chose even stronger language.....full of shit. It's a bullshit frenzy.
Try these few songs off the top of my head.
Led Zeppelin - Good times, Bad times.
Jeff Buckley - Dream Brother.
If these are too easy, there are many more songs that require more advanced technique. I just like these two artists and these songs are a supreme demonstration of thier superb musicianship.
It's an art form that you've clearly shown you have absolutley no appreciation for.
Remember..... Only one listen, and no cheating on the Bonham cover, he used a single kick I expect the same from you.
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
About 4000 years ago Jehovah forecasted heavy rain. Noah, a 600 year old man built a huge wooden ship and filled it with every species of life on the planet.
This was necessary because the earth was full of demons, demons that started a race of half supernatural being-half human style people.
What is so hard to believe?