I had a meeting with the elders that went much the same way.
Addressed absolutely none of my concerns, answered no questions and refused to even look at information I tried to present them. One elder turned over a paper I handed him and refused to even look at it, sighting possible apostate sources as the cause for his hysterical reaction to the a4 page.
I was warned not be critical of Gods org (I was suggesting that 607-1914 was in error), and given numerous WT articles that dealt with doubts and being critical of the Org.
The whole meeting played out exactly like many on this site said it would, the same way these visits always do. I was asked if I still believed that Jehovah is directing the org and using the slave as his channel on earth today.
I replied, "Yes, of course I do". Bold faced lie. That meeting was the nail in the coffin. They confirmed that they were all batshit crazy and I left.