A salubrious place indeed.
If you can get past all the frothing at the mouth, you will notice apostates have high standards of grammar.
i think it's great.
when i read posts on here i have to use a dictionary because of the high level of intellectual words yet, when i read a wtbts publication, i have to ignore all the bad grammar and punctuation!
A salubrious place indeed.
If you can get past all the frothing at the mouth, you will notice apostates have high standards of grammar.
so being someone who is not, however still believes around 70% of what the jw's talk about as far as the bible goes, ignoring the fact of no blood transfusions, shunning, etc.
wt doctrines, i got this question.
anybody really know how faithful 'worldly' (i use this term lightly 😉) women are these days?
Wordly people are dangerous, usually infected and are always eager to deceive.
Jws are squeaky clean. Lousy blowjobs though.
november broadcast is up:.
we learn interesting things.
It's double speak 1984 style with these morons, constantly.
it appears the the commonwealth government is bringing in a national compensation scheme for victims of institutional child sexual abuse with individuals able to claim up to $150,000 each.
it's clear that the australian government will not be able to fund this program without serious money from the offending churches.
so it's bad news for the organization today.. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-04/government-announces-redress-for-abuse-victims/7996092.
This is coming soon. Not WT soon either. Unlike their bullshit message, this is legitimate.
20 million dollars would be a conservative estimate, this will take years, and it's all downhill from here for the filthy WTS.
so... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
Oh, I simply LOVE such arguments! Just in the line of "no-one doubts that", "only the uninformed could think that", "not one single serious scientist doubts that" etc.
Throwing in the whole weight of the establishment. Trying to make the other guy look like a Complete fool. Rejoicing when he is finally having to admit "none".
You may win the discussion - but you definitely lose sympathy and the possibility of carrying on a respectful discussion.
No need for arguments or sympathy, there are no winners or losers.
While some have a poor understanding on this subject, a few here don't.
In this case we have someone who is able explain with great clarity his knowledge and understanding and can clear up confusion with some actual facts.
I appreciate Cofty's relentless promoting of education.
i'm at home and hear knock on door , i sneak and look i see two men and recognise one voice and go back into lonunge and ask wife ( who is inactive believer) does she want to speak to elders ,she says no ,then literally 3 minutes has pasted another knock the 3 minutes seemed like an eternity.
so brave heart me think fuck it i'll answer ,i invite them in for coffee, i recognise one older man he is a unique elder who i genuinely was fond of when i was in his name is andrew ,the other guy i didn't recognise we will call harry ( not real name australia doesn't have that many cos with his same name).
so i think to myself i will tread lightly and not cause to much of a fuss for the wife's sake, but my personality is very the opposite of treading lightly ,as you read my threads you will realise i'm not timid.
I like your style.
*warning this is long* it all started on the last day of the "remain loyal to jehovah" convention.
a little background story, i've been raised as a jw, been in and out of the religon, never baptised but was made an unbaptized publisher about 3 years ago, always felt out of place in the congregation, blamed myself for this because if i had just went to meetings and did all the right things then i would have friends and not be in the mess that i was.
right after becoming an unbaptized publisher i met my now fiance, end up leaving my mother's house to live with him, elders haven't contacted me about my situation even though i'm sure they know as my step father is an elder...but anyway on the last day of the convention my fiance came with me as i was visiting my mother and had planned to go with her and her husband to the convention.
Welcome to the forum.
I still believe in jehovah
Give it some time, you have only just noticed the man behind the curtain. I'm sure the lack of evidence for this Bronze Age myth will have you changing your mind.
You may even become a believer in paragraphs. All the best.
hello all.... i am new here so i figured i'd make a quick post introducing myself and giving a brief intro as to who i am and what i'm here for... as well as to hopefully meet others.. so, i made a profile and in it i gave a pretty detailed explanation as to my intent here and exactly why i decided to participate in the boards.
in case you don't read it, i'll give a brief summary.
the name is robert.
I would suggest you get down to your local Kingdom Hall, and stop trolling this forum.
i remember that we were always encouraged to let everyone at work know that you were one of jw's and therefore would not participate in any of their functions, parties etc.. this i outrightly refused to do.
my reasoning was that i was employed and paid to do a job and therefore my religious beliefs were a personal matter and therefore had nothing to do with my work.
secondly i had to work with these people.
As it turns out, I believe the most significant directive I ignored was the "avoid independent thinking" mantra....
Oh and another thing, my penis. I jerked that all the time, despite the directive.
i went to www.sensibus.com and they have 160 different kinds of cheese.
i just do not know which cheese i want to order.
any suggestions?
Bake that shit with some nice bread. Serve with beer.