Since the birth control pill appeared on the scene, the differences between men and women when it comes to fidelity and sexual activity have gradually shrank. Most studies continue to suggest a gap between men and women in these areas, but that gap narrows with each passing year.
Other social changes have contributed to the lessening of the gap, such as eliminating or minimizing use of such words as 'ho ho' as a pejorative noun to describe a woman when a man gets a free pass or a fist bump and 'inappropriate' to describe normal behavior between consenting adults. BTW, the Dark Lords said to say thank you that their programming is still working.
Divorce rates are also down in the US, per capita, from the 70s, 80s and 90s, so your angst regarding divorce and infidelity appears to be no more relevant than it has been.
Waning religious influences have also contributed to the smaller gap, as have greater educational and economic opportunities for XXers that were not as available or were discouraged before. The data suggest that quite soon in W lands there will be no gaps. Earth girls are easy. Just like Earth boys.
I don't know what it is you are asking, however. You seem to be fearful of sexually empowered girls. If so, remain celibate or single. And pm me their contact information.
If you are as young as you say then you should halfway be aware that Millenials are re-defining relationships/sex. Open relationships, polyamory, me and you and she can come too, etc., if not typical are not uncommon. That can mitigate trust issues. And be a helluva lot of fun.