Hey waton, you should build a wall.
Posts by 2+2=5
Why is the white race so different?
by Crazyguy inwhat i'm saying is the white race is the only one that has a verity of eye and hair colors , so what gives?
is it that this race was influenced genetically by a group of pre humans that didn't mix with other races?
Leaving it all behind.
by Jazzbo ini haven't been on an exjw site for months and months.
i frankly am way past the point where i define myself as an exjw, i am who i am and it doesn't have really anything to do with the way i was raised or spent a considerable portion of my life, i also refuse to be bound by witness requirements as to leaving, contact with witnesses, or some kind of responsibility to whack people who seem perfectly happy as witnesses over the head with 'the truth about the truth'.
i have recently run in to a few people that seems to simply obsess with their lives as witnesses and why they left and in some cases the way they were treated or mistreated, or the need to "do" something.
If nothing else, I read some funny shit on here. I also sometimes learn something new, although I am coming from quite a low base - my formal education ended when I was 14.
One day I will grow up big and strong, like Jazzbo.
How serious is sexting
by Homer notsimpson insome of y'all may know why i am asking this, but i am curious about it.. sexting in the elders book says it's enough to warrant a jc but it's very loose at it... what's y'all opinion?
do elders care alot of it?
what if it's an old case?
Tell them nothing. Never talk to the elders.
Good luck with the sexting, it gives me sore fingers.
Let me get this straight according to today's wt a person can make his own decisions
by poopie inon whether or not she chooses to shun?.
If you choose to be a non shunner you risk becoming one of the shunned. Shun or be shunned is the theme.
The shonky grammar on every thread started by poopie is just part of the rich tapestry that this site has become.
Which Watchtower publications did you keep?
by Schnufti ini'm currently cleaning up our bookcase and need to decide what goes into the trash.
i'll keep the watchtower books that are not available online anymore (e.g.
the brown "reasoning" book).
I found it hard to discard any, they all have a ring of truth to them. -
Saudi Man Sentenced To Death For Atheism
by Bangalore insaudi man sentenced to death for atheism.. http://www.newsweek.com/saudi-man-sentenced-death-after-declaring-himself-atheist-online-video-591473.
I've known good people who happened to be pedos through no fault of their own; being attracted to children doesn't automatically make someone an evil mass murderer.
Being a pedo doesn't make someone a murderer. It does make them sick, twisted and deplorable in the eyes of almost everyone, obviously.
JW.org Childrens Page: Expanding My Circle Of Friends
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/teenagers/worksheets/expanding-circle-of-friends/.
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
Just the thought of the rubberface clown and the rest of those GB stooges sitting around a table talking this disturbing shit up....... what a sick mess.
The Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Need To Ponder Over This Quote...
by JW GoneBad in“making the decision to have a baby is momentous.
it is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” (elizabeth stone).
melania trump quoted the above thought provoking expression!.
But was it not the man Jesus himself who spoke the wise words,
"Forget mum and dad, matter of fact, tell all your family to just get fucked and come hang with me"
Improved modern English translation.
Do JWs Really Bother You?
by minimus inin reality my experience with the witnesses is that they really don't bother me or bother with me which suits me just fine....are you "bothered" by the witnesses at this point of your life?.
I wish I could say they don't, but when I see JWs that I used to know, I can't help but get worked up. It still feels weird for me, I do foresee it getting better in time but maybe professional help is in order..... certainly the religion has fucked with my psyche. It's a vile cult and my despise for it cannot be overstated.