The internet does damage mainly by extension. Everything the WTS has ever said and put into print is their worse problem.
Posts by 2+2=5
The Internet is worse for the Watchtower than 1975 was: here's proof.
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am translating jwfacts to spanish.
i am doing the "statistics" are two graphs that show that the statistics have never been worse for the watchtower:quantity of hours required for 1 baptism: note how low it went in 1974-1975, and note that 2016 is much higher than the slump of 1978... about double, to be exact.
2016 was a historical record in this statistic (higher is worse for watchtower).. this stat is the baptisms as a percentage of the publisher average.
How Do You Feel About Trump's Tuff Talk To Korea To Make Korea Behave?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know or think i know that trump is bluffing and acting very bully like with threats of unleashing his power as commander and chief a military with super weapons.
but why bluff with such boyish stupidity?
i think mr trumps barginings skills are at an all time low and so the threats of violence and retaliation for misbehaving according to the whims of a narcissist.. my confidence in him is at an all time low, talk about cave man club you over the head approach to problems this guy takes the cake.
How dare you insult the leader of the free world. He's a patriot.
The "Jesus is Michael" teaching soon to go?
by Island Man incould the teaching that jesus is michael the archangel, be soon to be discarded?
first of all, watchtower is big on image and this is one of those teachings that paint the jw religion as being rather kooky and heretical.
secondly, this teaching is not an original watchtower teaching but one they inherited from their second adventist ancestry.
I don't see any reason to change it.
It's a reasonable position.I see no advantage in changing it. To distance themselves from Adventists? JWs have very little sense of having anything much to do with Adventists anyway. -
2017 Convention Recording: JWs Applaud 10yo Girl For Shunning Her Own Sister
by pale.emperor inthis poor girl was baptized at 9yo.
she isnt old enough to buy alcohol, to vote, to decide her own medical treatment, to buy a pet, to travel alone... yet she was deemed old enough to dedicate her life to a religion that will cut her off from her family if she ever leaves.. here she is applauded for shunning her own sister who tried to keep in contact with her after waking up..
The irony is lost on the poor little girl.
The harsh shunning and disdain the JWs show her sister, can just as easily be delivered to her if she steps out of line.
Returning to the truth.
by Justmeok2 inhi i am just starting to rebuild my relationship with jehovah.
i would like to hear from people who may be or have been in similar situations and now want to dedicate their lives to him..
Don't do it. Never go to meetings, they're a complete waste of time, the entire religion is a sham.
Me and my schools band
by Akid48 inso i made this to take off some of the anxiety of what i have to tell all my friends when i have to go to my band camp i have to go to.. so i play tuba in my school i love it i had made friends that are now close i am number 1 or 2 when it comes to how good we play so when placements for what band your in for next year i was put in to honors band my aunt said good job but when we went to the meeting for it she got mad saying she thinks it to much for me going into school early than i do staying at school later and some things she said was right but the thing that got her mad is that i might not be able to go to the meetings after home work etc and she went more into the jw things on school.. the thing that gets me mad is that know i have to think of a way to tell my friends that i im out of honors band because of jw reasons.. one more thing is i cant do many things i suck at sports and many more butt playing the tuba was the one thing i could say im good at than video games but it seems like at high school i might have to drop it :(.
Buy a guitar kiddo.
Good luck.
DId you ever fall asleep at the meetings, Assemblys??
by karter inif i'm tierd i fall asleep anywere so the meetings ect were no diffrent my wife would always try to wake me but im a deep sleeper.
karter .
Does a fish swim in the sea?
I drooled on my briefcase relentlessly as a teenager. The sleepy and discreet slave.
March 22, 2017 TO ALL CONVENTION COMMITTEES Re: Discontinuation of Physical Distribution of Convention Releases
by wifibandit inmarch 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
I predicted here 9 years ago that WT would stop physical publication. That was just on the basis of what Christian Scientists were doing, before I realised WT is in such a terrible position financially, before tablets and readers became popular, and when I thought books would go into terminal decline
Perhaps you could be the one to help me interpret this wild dream I had recently, it's troubled me deeply.
Your house will become a giant literal shithouse otherwise, wise man slimboyfat.
Suggestions for a JW Apostate logo
by Chook inif you can't upload one vote on others suggestions.
The logo should be the apostate guy who wears a headband while branding a stick from the Revelation book. He's in a crowd that Satan is working into a frenzy post abyss.
That's the raging, frothing at the mouth apostate we should all strive to imitate.
Illogical illustration of “the rich man and the poor man Lazarus” (Luke 16:19-31)
by venus inillustration of the rich man and the poor man lazarus indirectly hints that the materially rich would go to hell and the poor ones to heaven.
if one reads between the lines, one can discern that this illustration is a later adoption intended to exploit the rich using the poor as a means.. i have friends who are extremely rich (net-worth in billions) and also who are materially very poor, and have found both are living in hell because of their attitude.
the excess the rich have prevents them from enjoying it (and even the affluent find a huge gap between income and desires, hence find themselves often in conflict and competition) and whereas the deprived compare themselves with the haves which prevents them also from enjoying their lives.. jesus would not provide an illustration that undermines his own most favored statement: “happy are those poor in spirit because kingdom of heavens belongs to them” (mathew 5:3) and his own explanation that heaven is the condition of one’s heart (luke 17:21) obviously he had in mind those who do not have the baggage of attachment and sense of possession, those few people of simplicity that belong to both the categories—the rich and the poor. simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, a stage where every possession serves a purpose living a life that is deliberate and intentional (not one that someone else has scripted for them) and wanting to feel more complete (not more objects of the world), at ease.
I have friends who are extremely rich (net-worth in billions)
I assume you are talking Indian Rupees.
I don't believe for a second that you know numerous people who are worth thousands of millions of American dollars... I just find that a real stretch.