JWs are nothing like Scientology. I don't like equating the two.
Because it’s not fair on Scientology.
looks like trump wants to take out the scientologists.. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-scientology-tax-exemption_us_5a04dd35e4b05673aa584cab?vpo .
as a cult, could the watchtower be close behind?.
JWs are nothing like Scientology. I don't like equating the two.
Because it’s not fair on Scientology.
genesis says a lot about both pre-flood and post-flood giants.the really big nasty ones drowned in the flood but there were lots of others the israelites had to overcome including the king of basham with his 11 foot iron bed.people nowadays are much smaller and i think its due in part to us losing more and more of adams perfection.
i turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the ark but are as yet undiscovered.
during president knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in china and eventually an american team tracked them down in the wild.
For me, it’s the humour that makes this site.
i wanted to discuss the (supposed) biblical events that disturbed me a lot when i was a jw.
these incidents were just read and discussed in the kingdom hall as if these are normal and justified, which clearly weren't.
perhaps this led to my awakening.
The whole Israelite saga as told in the bible, what a joke.
Jehovah literally moves the earth for these people. They see miraculous shit unfold, right in front of their very eyes... time and time again. Miracle after miracle... food appears from nowhere, enemies slain... it goes on.
.... and the morons still worshiped false gods.. lumps of timber and home made baby fucking cows?!!..
All this despite warnings from the dude performing miracles! It smacks of stupidity and I had this shit crammed in my head all my childhood.
David Jay our regular Jewish poster could explain it all, probably in no less than 26 paragraphs.
so here is a tidbit you will all just love!.
we all are hearing of the trend right now to ¨downsize¨ the congregations...ie... eliminate by combining, in order to blah blah blah... .
here is what you didnt know: every time a congregation is dissolved, for whatever reason, including merging or dispersing, wt makes money!
Well I know this happened locally around my area.
This large congregation had nearly $1 million in cash, after selling there local KH. They were expecting to build another one, but instead were told they needed to make the extra travel to meet at a different hall where only one congregation attended. Many were and are disgruntled.
This happened just north of Brisbane in Australia. The often very hard earned donations of the publishers was taken from them, under the guise it’s funding some “world wide work” bullshit. It’s just a fucking world wide fire sale.
All that money vanished like a fart in the wind.
ok, i apologise in advance if this seems irreverent to those who believe in god.. but, the bible says that god (jehovah) impregnated mary.
without her consent.
so that would seem to be rape...right?.
He could have at least done it after dinner and a movie.
this is an 'off-topic' continuation of this discussion.
steve2: in britain, growth of publishers is slowing down, if not stagnating.
darkspilver: .
I know others have mentioned this, but it’s my turn to say it.
I don’t trust any stats the WT has reported on themselves for probably the last 10-15 years. I think back in the 90’s there were efforts maybe for accurate reprts and figures, but this current bunch are desperate and as crooked as hell. I would trust any GB member about as far as I could physically throw them....
Honesty and truth will be the first casualties with religion.
this is just a general query, and am hoping someone can clarify.. a lot of web forums usually list the usernames of the admins & moderators.
i have not seen listed, unless someone can show me otherwise, the admins & moderators of this web forum.. from what i can gather, simon is the owner & admin of this web forum.
scully has just locked a discussion thread - so i'm guessing that s/he is either an admin or moderator.. who are the admins & moderators ?.
A well run site that has improved in its maturity over the years. 👏👏
There was a few more self proclaimed prophets and delusional messiah types a while ago. It's lost some insanity but has maintained a balance.
so i was reading the book of daniel, starting with chapter 4 (nebuchadnezzar's famous tree chopping/banding dream where the 7 times is introduced) but i noticed that when you don't cherry pick verses and just read straight thru - it really seems like some children's book that was poorly written.
even though the borg says that this book as written by daniel, chapter 4 is clearly written by "king nebuchad·nezzar to all the peoples, nations, and language groups dwelling in all the earth" after the tree chopping business.
) of the rest of the chapters seem to be written in 3rd person (odd, if you are writing about your experiences).
It's truly not inspired.
“best life ever” is displayed at watchtower farms, near pine bush.
the jehovah’s witnesses' maze is a work of devotional art, and not intended for exploration like the pagan ones made for hudson valley tourists every halloween.
source: lohud.com.
Can you see the hidden image of tight pants hidden in the maze?? Those wacky subliminal WT artists are at it again!
do not know where to post this but i like to hear your views on what you think had the biggest impact on humans.
for me, 2 things:.
music: every human listens one way or another to music and will likely have some sort of emotion.