****But who or what is: acm.uestc.edu.cn ?*****
This question and answers came from that site, not sure what it is, looks like an academic site.
The quote from pages 74-76 show Up on several sites: as follows:
“In the number of ancient MSS. [manuscripts] attesting a writing, and in the number of years that had elapsed between the original and the attesting MSS., the Bible enjoys a decided advantage over classical writings [those of Homer, Plato, and others]. . . .Altogether classical MSS. are but a handfu?...
uk.answers.yahoo.com › ... › Society & Culture › Religion & Spirituality
Jul 14, 2013 - [manuscripts] attesting a writing, and in the number of years that had elapsed between the original and the attesting MSS., the Bible enjoys a decided advantage over classical writings [those of Homer, Plato, and others]. . . . Altogether classical MSS. are but a handful compared with Biblical. No ancient book ...
forum.the-dispatch.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3109&start=30 Feb 2, 2012 - 10 posts - 3 authors
(3) The Jerusalem Bible transliterates hai′des six times, but in other ..... [ manuscripts]attesting a writing, and in the number of years that had elapsed ... attesting MSS., the Bible enjoys a decided advantage over classical writings [ those ... Altogether classical MSS. are but a handful compared with Biblical.
Why do Christians, Jews and Muslims claim only one god exists when ...
au.answers.yahoo.com › ... › Society & Culture › Religion & Spirituality Aug 8, 2013 - [manuscripts] attesting a writing, and in the number of years that had elapsed between the original and the attesting MSS., the Bible enjoys a decided advantage over classical writings [those of Homer, Plato, and others]. . . . Altogether classical MSS. are but a handful compared with Biblical. No ancient book ...
“In the number of ancient MSS. [manuscripts] attesting a writing, and in the number of years that had elapsed between the original and the attesting MSS., the Bible enjoys a decided advantage over classical writings [those of Homer, Plato, and others]. . . .Altogether classical MSS. are but a handful compared with Biblical.
Jun 30, 2013 - [manuscripts] attesting a writing, and in the number of years that had elapsed between the original and the attesting MSS., the Bible enjoys a decided advantage over classical writings [those of Homer, Plato, and others]. . . . Altogether classical MSS. are but a handful compared with Biblical. No ancient book ...
Fair Dinkum ;)