I am so enjoying this thread, I haven't read all the posts yet but so far wonderful comments and I can so relate to some of it.
It is amazing what the last 3 yrs or so of reading and reading some more, learning about TTATT, have done for me mentally and emotionally. The things I have learned have truly set me free of all the fear and guilt. I just cannot stress enough how much this has done for me. An example of this would be that in the past (even in last 5 yrs or so) whenever my parents would start talking about world events and 'the end' I would get so torn up inside and scared. Being told that I need to go back to the meetings if I want to survive the end of this system with my son. The would get back from an assembly and tell me things like the door of opportunity is getting ready to close like in Noah's day so I really need to do something and get back. I would literally get in a panic and try to make a go of some meetings, and then after a little while the 'hype' would wear off and I would stop going again for a while, until the next assembly or special talk, then my parents (esp my mom) would get me all worked up again on why I should go back to meetings. Just a vicious cycle.
Now when this happens, I don't have that panic feeling I use to always have. I live very far from my family now, we only have skype to keep in touch, but it's still the same thing when there is something 'special' going on within the organization, sure enough they will say something to me. My mom has been really bad lately with it, saying the world is going down the end is almost here, and that I am the only 'lifeline' that my boys have with regards to surviving the end of this system. Before, this would have sent me running back to the kingdom hall. I love my parents with all my heart, I would never do or say anything to hurt them, so I just let them talk when things like this come up. I don't say much. But what is most important, is that I have peace within myself about it and I don't let it get me worked up anymore.
Because once you know the silly nonsense of it all, there's nothing worth getting all worked up over for.