2014: do you see Witnesses ramping up activity? What will the aftermath be in 2015?

by JimmyPage 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    JW's often say they don't serve with any dates in mind. But the fact is many of them can't fathom why the end just hasn't come yet. Since 2014 marks 100 years of invisible rule many Witnesses can't help but think this has some special meaning. I've seen some previously lethargic JW's start to ramp up their activity this year to help save their own asses before Jehovah starts the genocide. One wonders what fallout there will be next year when life goes on as it always has and no Paradise is restored.

    Have you seen JW's ramping up activity in your area? Do you think we'll see a larger exodus from the cult next year?

  • factfinder

    I don't ever see witnesses going door to door in my area. Either there are too few of them or they are apathetic.

  • snare&racket

    They are watching the orgsnisation slow down more than EVER, why would they decide now to speed up their voluntary work? In a recession, tired and poor. Any excuse for a break and they will hop onto it. i would be amazed to hear JW's were more active out of their own assumption about dates.

    don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be suprised if some higher up's have fed the idea that this is an important year and some JW's may be responding to that. But I doubt that is a very overt opinion in Watchtower, after all. When 2015 does come around, it is just another dissapointmemt for 7 million people....

    "oh darn it, the global genocide still hasn't come...!"

  • steve2

    Well, when your vehicle has only two gears, Slow and Stop, you cannot shift into any higher gear, panic or no panic.

  • A.proclaimer

    Depends. If something big happens in 2014, whether it's a big political shift or some big catastrophe like 9/11, JWs will see it as a sign and increase their motivation in work. If nothing really goes on through 2014, some will leave, some will have increased doubts, but most will just carry on and do what they always will do. I still think there will be some growth but it might slow down as the years go by or remain the same as always.

  • prologos

    I see a curious thing in our hall . (area a haven for retirees) more canes have come out this spring. message"

    count me out of the -'invitation for memorial'- and soon for -'regional convention'- hand-outs and the walking involved.

    These folks will not be disappointed, they already are.

  • sparrowdown

    The last couple of jws that I spoke to got very defensive and irrate when I asked them if they had ever entertained the thought that they may actually grow old and die in this system, after all the "this gen" prophecy is practically openended now.

    "I will NOT think about that" the sis said "the end WILL be here, it would show a lack of faith to say otherwise".

    Well, consider myself told!

  • alfredjones100

    It's like the climax of watching your new car slowly click up to 100,000 miles ... watching ... watching ... watching ... then it to goes 101,000.

    And all the interest you had in taking care of it just evaporates because you know that in reality it's like any other rust bucket on the road.

  • snare&racket

    It's funny.... Ask a JW if the governing body have ever got anything majorly wrong and they will umm and arr to avoid saying 'yes'. Ask them what they got right and they will umm and arr to avoid saying 'nothing'.

    But suggest for a moment that they are hoping on thin air and they get offended...... Mind control at it's best.

  • quellycatface

    I think Jehovah's chariot may be in the garage.

    Sorry I've said this before!!!!

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