It's difficult to even know how to respond to your posts, SingleCell, because there's so many untested assumptions. You've built up a skyscraper's worth of scientific and intellectual rationalizations on a foundation of sand (it reminds me of myself a couple years ago, though I think you've gone even further into the madness than I did).
But I'm curious how you can say that any of the prophecies about Jesus (which were actually about a Jewish king, not a teacher or the son of God) were fulfilled. We don't even know if Jesus existed and much of his specific teachings bear the mark of a later hand who wanted to put words in his mouth for didactic or pseudo-prophetic purposes. We certainly don't know where he was born (according to the Gospels, he was born twice, in Nazareth and in Bethlehem, with separate lineages each time) or how he died (executed by the Romans because the Jews clamored for it, but there's no record of such a freak occurrence made by the Romans?).