Born-in. One parent was also a born-in, but the other was a '75er.
JoinedPosts by Apognophos
Born in, Convert or 1975er?
by Think About It indoes a person's involvement in the jw religion usually fall into one of these 3 categories?.
a) born in.
b) convert.
I did NOT survive 12-21-2012. If you did NOT survive. Please check in here.
by FlyingHighNow inplease tell me i am not the only person who did not survive yesterday..
I've gotta back over this to find out who did not survive. We should maybe considering a meet up.
Sorry, you'll have to go on without me, I'm still falling. Boy, it is warm right now. But on the bright side, my Internet connection actually seems to be getting faster for some reason.
Watch Tower Web Site Has No Commenting Feature, Comments Unwelcome,
by frankiespeakin inwell it comes as no surprise that the "official" watch tower web site has no place to leave a comment you can only leave your address if your interested.. can you imagine if they did have a place where you can post comments what would happen?.
i'm sure the lack luster of the wt web site is due to the fact that a bunch of old governing body member must go over it with a fine toothed comb and with all thier other business to carry out as corporation executives it is just to time consuming and lets face it these old guys just don't have what it takes to bring this organization thru the 21st century, they are too lost in thier delusion, they are fighting thier own shadow, the enemy is everyone that disagrees with them and they are so steeped in denial they don't want to hear any comment that doesn't agree with them.
they only want confirmation biased statements to read, all else must be resisted and faught against.. internet presents is very important to the wt or it should be as door to door sales will no longer pay the bills, who wants a trashy magazine when you can down load info cheaply and quickly off the net.. these delusional old guys running the wt will be the reason they go belly up.
Sigh. This seems like a case of people who grew up with Web 2.0 expecting every site to be malleable to their touch. Sorry, kids, once upon a time you couldn't comment on or edit *any* web sites! People used web sites to broadcast information, not to hold conversations and network. Believe it or not, this is still how some sites work, even ones that have nothing to do with religion. I know everything the Society does is fodder for criticism, but expecting them to allow comments is ridiculous from any perspective.
The forms Jeffro mentioned are not for commenting, they're for feedback. Of course every web site has some way to contact its owner ('s is at, but that doesn't count as commenting.
Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.
by Balaamsass inwithout fanfare, jehovahs witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusionstom blackwell, national post staff | dec 20, 2012 9:59 pm et.
more from national post staff.
calgary herald/fileslawrence hughes broke with the witnesses, and the rest of his own family, when it tried to prevent his teenage daughter, bethany, who died in 2002, from receiving a blood transfusion while being treated for cancer.twittergoogle+linkedinemailcommentsmoretumblrpinterestredditdiggfarkitstumbleuponfor years, the jehovahs witnesses fiercely held belief that blood transfusions are contrary to gods will led to emotional and very public disputes, hospitals clashing with parents over whether to infuse sick children.. that long history of messy legal confrontations appears to be vanishing, however, amid changing approaches to the issue on both sides, health-care officials say.. the churchs ban on accepting blood still stands, but some major pediatric hospitals have begun officially acknowledging the parents unorthodox beliefs, while many jehovahs witnesses are signing letters recognizing that doctors may sometimes feel obliged to transfuse, they say.. as institutions show more respect toward parents faith and try harder not to use blood, witnesses often seem eager to avoid involving child-welfare authorities to facilitate transfusions, and more accepting that canadian case law is firmly on the doctors side, some hospital officials say.. they get it that were going to transfuse where its medically necessary.
It's true, you'd think that they'd be dead-set against any strange blood flowing through their or their childrens' veins. Surely that's an abhorrent thought, regardless of why it was put there! This shows that JWs are human after all, I guess. They want to be faithful to their beliefs, but they're still putting their childrens' welfare above those beliefs, hypocritical though it may be from the standpoint of an old-school, hardcore JW. Good for them! As a man who healed on the Sabbath, Jesus would approve. But it's sure a far cry from that 1994 Awake. Let's hope there are no backslides on the part of the Society.
Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.
by Balaamsass inwithout fanfare, jehovahs witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusionstom blackwell, national post staff | dec 20, 2012 9:59 pm et.
more from national post staff.
calgary herald/fileslawrence hughes broke with the witnesses, and the rest of his own family, when it tried to prevent his teenage daughter, bethany, who died in 2002, from receiving a blood transfusion while being treated for cancer.twittergoogle+linkedinemailcommentsmoretumblrpinterestredditdiggfarkitstumbleuponfor years, the jehovahs witnesses fiercely held belief that blood transfusions are contrary to gods will led to emotional and very public disputes, hospitals clashing with parents over whether to infuse sick children.. that long history of messy legal confrontations appears to be vanishing, however, amid changing approaches to the issue on both sides, health-care officials say.. the churchs ban on accepting blood still stands, but some major pediatric hospitals have begun officially acknowledging the parents unorthodox beliefs, while many jehovahs witnesses are signing letters recognizing that doctors may sometimes feel obliged to transfuse, they say.. as institutions show more respect toward parents faith and try harder not to use blood, witnesses often seem eager to avoid involving child-welfare authorities to facilitate transfusions, and more accepting that canadian case law is firmly on the doctors side, some hospital officials say.. they get it that were going to transfuse where its medically necessary.
It seems to me that the softening and compromise is coming from the bioethicists
Actually, I disagree. Most doctors have tried to respect the JWs' no-blood stance in the past, haven't they? What seems to be changing is (at least in Canada and also with Anony Mous' experience right in the HQ's heartland) that parents are allowed to sign a document that allows the transfusion if the hospital deems it necessary. Now, I admit ignorance of how things used to work, and it could be that some doctors are now approaching JWs in a way that is more conciliatory and less antagonistic. But the Society is definitely softening its stance if it is saying that even the possibility of a transfusion can be signed for.
Watch Tower Web Site Has No Commenting Feature, Comments Unwelcome,
by frankiespeakin inwell it comes as no surprise that the "official" watch tower web site has no place to leave a comment you can only leave your address if your interested.. can you imagine if they did have a place where you can post comments what would happen?.
i'm sure the lack luster of the wt web site is due to the fact that a bunch of old governing body member must go over it with a fine toothed comb and with all thier other business to carry out as corporation executives it is just to time consuming and lets face it these old guys just don't have what it takes to bring this organization thru the 21st century, they are too lost in thier delusion, they are fighting thier own shadow, the enemy is everyone that disagrees with them and they are so steeped in denial they don't want to hear any comment that doesn't agree with them.
they only want confirmation biased statements to read, all else must be resisted and faught against.. internet presents is very important to the wt or it should be as door to door sales will no longer pay the bills, who wants a trashy magazine when you can down load info cheaply and quickly off the net.. these delusional old guys running the wt will be the reason they go belly up.
Apognophos -- feedback form, but no comments -- no comments -- no comments as far as I can tell
Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.
by Balaamsass inwithout fanfare, jehovahs witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusionstom blackwell, national post staff | dec 20, 2012 9:59 pm et.
more from national post staff.
calgary herald/fileslawrence hughes broke with the witnesses, and the rest of his own family, when it tried to prevent his teenage daughter, bethany, who died in 2002, from receiving a blood transfusion while being treated for cancer.twittergoogle+linkedinemailcommentsmoretumblrpinterestredditdiggfarkitstumbleuponfor years, the jehovahs witnesses fiercely held belief that blood transfusions are contrary to gods will led to emotional and very public disputes, hospitals clashing with parents over whether to infuse sick children.. that long history of messy legal confrontations appears to be vanishing, however, amid changing approaches to the issue on both sides, health-care officials say.. the churchs ban on accepting blood still stands, but some major pediatric hospitals have begun officially acknowledging the parents unorthodox beliefs, while many jehovahs witnesses are signing letters recognizing that doctors may sometimes feel obliged to transfuse, they say.. as institutions show more respect toward parents faith and try harder not to use blood, witnesses often seem eager to avoid involving child-welfare authorities to facilitate transfusions, and more accepting that canadian case law is firmly on the doctors side, some hospital officials say.. they get it that were going to transfuse where its medically necessary.
This is ultimately a good sign. Although they seem to be stuck in the mud on other issues (not talking to DFed relatives), I think it goes without saying that this is the single most important issue with JW beliefs by far, not because adult JWs might lose their lives for a false teaching that they chose to believe, but because kids, who naturally trust their parents when they're told what's right and wrong, might lose their lives for this false teaching that they had no choice but to accept.
It would make the religion a lot less harmful if they just continue in this direction and stop fighting the hospitals and don't initiate proceedings against JWs who take blood -- or at least, for starters, if they stop asking them if they took blood. The sort of don't-ask, don't-tell approach that Anony Mous experienced, but for all Witnesses.
Do the elders have "clear direction" that it's ok to use an ipad at meetings?
by nochoice ini read this post more than a year ago:
since i saw it, i've been waiting for the first brother or sister to show up at the hall with an ipad to see what happens.
a little here and there at the conventions and assemblies.
Ha! Thanks for the "old light" quotes. I'm guessing a Brother Fogey in the writing department is no longer around to protest that, back in the day, their Bibles weren't even bound, they were in scrolls, and it took three minutes to look up a scripture, and they LIKED it that way!
Those quotes do have one good point, though. Enough of the friends have trouble finding some of the less popular books as it is ("Lamentations 1:12?! Oh f---!"). I even had trouble finding Ruth this morning during the study! iBibles will only make it worse.
Your earliest doubt?
by Apognophos inthis might be an unfair question for those who have been out of the organization for decades, but i'm wondering if any of you remember your earliest doubt -- maybe something odd that occurred to you as a kid (if you were a jw then).
please try to limit to two doubts at the most :-).
i think my first "doubt" was simply realizing that at the time of the flood, every animal that wasn't in the ark died (well, besides the fish, supposedly).
Wow, I'm impressed by the stories of those who had such concrete doubts at an early age, and even spoke up to their parents about them! You were smart kids!
It took me until adulthood to form any real doubts, although one of the first was questioning the new understanding on the blood teaching ("Huh? If blood is symbolically wrong to take into our bodies, then how could certain components of the blood be a matter of conscience?!"), and even when I had doubts I didn't have the courage to tell anyone about them.