When I was a child, we had a lot of fun at cong. picnics, and I played ball in a cong. "little league" composed of boys my age. As we got older, the gatherings became smaller and more infrequent, and the other boys left the "truth". Oh, and I enjoyed the coziness of the Book Study and getting to wear sweaters on those nights.
Overall, I had an all right upbringing, but little of that was due to the JWs. I am, however, thankful for the aspects of the Christian personality that I was encouraged to develop. I wouldn't necessarily have been a wild child, but having those rules, and a hope for the future (albeit one based on false premises, as I found out later), kept me perhaps a bit more stable than I would have been otherwise. However, I'm afraid that cancels out with the depression I felt as a teenager just because I was feeling normal teenager feelings about girls, and how I thought I was going to die at Armageddon as a result.
Thus, overall, if I could choose not to have been brought up that way, I would, but to some extent it was a nice cocoon to live in as a child. I didn't hate the meetings or field service, or all the rules, or being different from my classmates. Obviously, for some people (ahem, perfect1), this upbringing may have been more traumatic.