Who says that if a God exists he is looking after such small little creatures like us? That is a vision people have. That is what theists think: since there MUST be a creator (we can not give proof he does or does not exist so it is still an assumption) he MUST have had a cause for us... a purpose. Who says we ever had a purpose? Simply because we are looking for a purpose it should be so?
What do we "add" to anything? To the "universe" or to the smalles atomical levels? We add nothing special. We are just a species... dominant yes (unless you live in india and got your ass killed by a hungry tiger...).
And yes... there is structure... but there is also chaos... and chaos is also part of a "structure". Does it mean that a God would even likes to be busy with such small things that are keeping us busy? That he really cares what kind of people are getting which part of a land? We are actually not much different from all other species: we want a place to live and have a terratorium and want to defend and/or expand. We have "leaders" but so do other species. And yes... we talk... more intelligent then others and we have the ability to reason. But who says some other creatures can't reason? I mean: noone ever invented a computer which can actually translate the "language" of other species.
We think we know everything and can figure it all out... how far can we actually be from the painfull truth: we are just species... we live... we sleep, eat, drink, have sex and after a period of time we die. Game over...