JoinedTopics Started by DeWandelaar
organization obsesion
by Richard C B inwhy are you guys so obsessed with organizations?
there has to be order in the world and organised people!
Is disfellowshipping as popular as it was years ago?
by minimus ini seldom hear of people getting df'd anymore.
years ago it seemed there were a few per year in a congregation.
Christmas markets - apparently fine for JW's to attend
by FeelingFree inthis has got me really wound up and i feel the need to post.
our friend an ex jw has just returned from a famous christmas market in germany, now my husband mentioned this to his mum as they have connections there.
she got all excited about how amazing the german christmas markets are there and how she would of def gone to one this year if she had the time!
The Watchtower 3/15/2015 Parables! New Understanding! plus More!
by wifibandit in
El, Baal and JHVH
by Doug Mason inone of the most important sources that we have for the most ancient stages of the religion of israel are some epic texts about the gods of canaan that were found in an archaeological excavation in a place called ras shamra (ancient ugarit) early in the twentieth century.
these epics reveal a very rich ancient canaanite mythology, especially in the elaborated stories of the gods el and baal and their rivals and consorts.
while, of course, the israelite branch of the canaanite group partly defined itself through the rejection of this mythology, much of the imagery and narrative allusions that we find in the works of the israelite prophets, the psalms, and other biblical poetic texts are best illuminated through comparison with these ancient texts.
JEHOVAH consents to sit down with a reporter for a one on one INTERVIEW!
by Terry inr: thank you for agreeing to this interview.
how should i address you?
if you are a good god, why wouldn't you want to stop the evil?.
Ever notice how JW's can attend a talk or Convention and remember nothing?
by Wasanelder Once inhow many times have you asked a jw who has attended a public talk how the talk was, only to be told it was so great!
yet they cannot remember the title nor any one single point except that the brother was "funny" or was good with illustratiions or some other vauge point?
and conventions weren't far off either.
Scientists Should Not Dismiss Genesis So Quickly
by Chris Tann innasa discovery proves the bible scientifically accurate.
the debate.
for decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the biblical genesis account of creation.