I am an African American. I do not talk that way and I resent your "joke." Racial jokes and streotypes are just plain dumb.
Unless your name is Mike Tyson, that post is really irrelevant.
apologies to any tyson fans, but this was too funny!.
as part of his parole agreement, mike tyson has to go back to school .
and finish grade 5. this is mike's ebonics homework assignment.
I am an African American. I do not talk that way and I resent your "joke." Racial jokes and streotypes are just plain dumb.
Unless your name is Mike Tyson, that post is really irrelevant.
when i was a good old jw, going out in service, counting my time, i noticed something strange.. i could drive to one side of the county, make a back-call, and then drive clear through town as slow as i could and then out of town to the other side of the county to make another back-call.
the total time it took to do this was about 6 minutes!.
if i was not out in service and was trying to rush, say to a movie, it took at least 45 minutes to get through town alone!
Sleepy,In order to gain back your sanity, you need to go back out in field service and attend meetings.
Maybe you should start pretending you're a cat and speak of yourself in the 3rd person. Perhaps that would be sane to Fred.
sniff sniff donations people we have no money to hold together this site of foolishness all these socalled educated people could u please give money!sniff i though the org was broke but jehovah protects them .
we also need meteor insurance send me some companies thanks free the lose minds.........
apostates lets check the spelling when the terror is alive from jehovah
Can I use spell check when the terror is alive from Jehovah?
sniff sniff donations people we have no money to hold together this site of foolishness all these socalled educated people could u please give money!sniff i though the org was broke but jehovah protects them .
we also need meteor insurance send me some companies thanks free the lose minds.........
You had to look it up, didn't you?
we are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
After I left the witnesses I was happy without any religion - I'm happy now.
I'm overjoyed that you've found happiness from such a cruel transition as leaving that organization. My case is similar. I left the Witnesses and decided to never again label myself with another religious title. Although I stay within the Christian realm (which could be considered a label in and of itself), I wish to never fall under such categories as Catholic, Baptist, Protestant, etc... Of course, I'm not suggesting that there's anything wrong with people who do fall under these categories. I simply never want to.
And I find the teachings of zen to be enlightening and peaceful. It is about finding balance in the world, in others and in yourself. It is not a religion, but a way to bring peace and tranquility into your life.
I was taught as a Witness that balance is necessary in most aspects of life. I don't disagree with that now. I think balance is very important. I haven't really studied teachings of zen, so I'm not too familiar with them. I'd say, if it brings you peace, more power to you. That can be a difficult thing to find these days.
I have a question for you. Do you feel that searching is only a means of finding your path, or do you believe that the search is the beginning of your path, and that the search will in some way always continue?
I personally believe that there will always be a search. I have faith in God, yet I am still searching for a better relationship with him and a greater understanding of his will for me. Although I feel I've found my path, I believe my search continues and probably always will. I look forward to your thoughts on this matter.
we are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
sunstarr, you made a good point - the begining of my post was more of a rant than anything else, kind of on topic, but unanswerable notheless. Thank you for keeping me honest.
Anytime. Just make sure to return the favor when I get out of line.
As to my question of the difficulty of faith - I too know many many people who 'claim' to have faith, and yet they lead their lives to the contrary. I also know many people who lead fruitful, content and peaceful lives without the benefit of religious convictions.
Agreed. I too have seen the same. I couldn't go as far as to say that it's impossible to lead a content and peaceful life without faith. I simply suggest that it adds to the quality of life.
I take faith very seriously - it is a relationship between a person and god. Going through the motions and not really believing isn't good enough, you have to believe with everything you are, and I did. Some people are rewarded for their faith, I was punished for mine. I don't blame god for my negative experience with the JWs, but my faith is broken - I can't fix it, I don't know how.Faith is the hardest thing we can give. Putting everything I have and believe on the chopping block and waiting to see if I chose correctly, what could be harder than that?
I suppose I can somewhat understand what you are saying. I am always hurt when I hear of the difficulties many have faced from leaving the JW's. I know of many myself. It's a horrible thing to be done to a person. So to you, I send my greatest of sympathy. I guess I should rephrase what I said about faith. To me, it is an easy thing to have. I imagine that is because I already hold faith. For someone without, I suppose it could be a very difficult thing to gain. So, I don't disagree with that perspective. I do, however, believe that those searching for faith will be given a measure of help from God to make the journey a little less difficult. But again, it must always be a personal decision to search or not. As I've said many times before, I'll never condemn a person for their decision.
You said you think faith is like an extra sense that allows you to be closer to god. What happens when that sense is covered by experience - my relationship with god has foundered to the point that I don't even know if he exists or not.
I would certainly agree that perspective can be tainted by experience. I feel that faith and experience can go hand-in-hand. Of course, those of us that have left the Witnesses may find it a little more difficult to balance these two. I can most definitely see how it would be hard to have faith in God when your relationship with Him has reached that point. I must say that I am deeply relieved that you don't blame God. It saddens me that you question His existence, but I would never condemn you for that. You must be who you are.
we are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
I'm gonna try to make this as clear as I can:
You think you picked it up this time?
we are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
Tina. Please read carefully before opening your mouth to insert a foot. Let me hold your hand while I walk you through this. Ok, here we go...are you ready....you sure?? I said:
If you want to post your research on this thread, I'll take a look.
You referred me to:
Explain the love,enlightenment and righteousness in the list of scriptures I wrote in the "Bilbe advances womens rights' thread.
The operative word here is "thread." Not page. Would you like me to go into a further explanation of the difference? You seem to be lacking in understanding of what I'm saying. Post your argument within this thread, or leave me alone. Pretty easy, isn't it? So, thanks for nothing, and good day to you.
I'll be right with you. Had to take care of some mundane business.
we are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
Thanks for your lively babbling, Tina. Nice talking with you too. Next time be prepared to quote your scriptures in question when bringing up an argument. I'm not going to do your work for you. If you want to post your research on this thread, I'll take a look. Otherwise, don't cry when I pay little attention to your weak views of my ability to back my belief. I'll be happy to back up to the best of my ability anything that's questioned of me or my beliefs. But if YOU'RE going to be too lazy to post your own arguments, then I'm not gonna waste my time creating them for you. God bless.
we are made in god's image and he is a person, not just some invisible, omnipresent force.
here is some more research for those who love to ask questions yet won't do the digging.. the bible consistently portrays god as a passionate individual, whose inner experiences of love, compassion, grief, delight, joy, peace, anguish, and moral outrage at atrocity dwarf ours in the extreme.
the bible makes no apology for this, but rather exults in the living one, in contrast to the dead and lifeless idols that surrounded its writers.. one scholar put it thus:.
What I asked you IS on topic. You present assertions about your god and I asked for explanations on scriptures that are suposedly inspired by him. Doesn't you bible tell you to make 'a defense of your faith'?
No, Tina. What you asked is that I use my free time to go research your previously stated arguments in another thread. That is not on topic. If you have a point to make, by all means make it. Don't expect me to go digging through old threads just because you believe you've made a good point before. As far as backing up what I believe, what question do you have for me, Tina? I see none from your last response. All I find is:
I cannot and will not attribute these to a myth. You can bleat all you want to me. It doesn't make it so just cuz you say it is.
I don't have to "bleat" to you anymore. So what else do you want?
I do have a problem with anyone who makes derogatory remarks toward those who do not believe as they do...
I am in complete agreement with you.
Do know however that if you come onto a discussion board and make assertions you will likely be called to explain/back them up. All here are not likely to take your view as Unassailable Truth as they/we have learned enough lessons on that account.
Perhaps I should clear something up for any who may come upon a post from me. I have never claimed my views to be the "unassailable truth" simply because I say so. I never will. So, once again, if you have a specific question for me, please feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer based on my beliefs.
I didn't break any such commandment, and yet I was born as an imperfect individual into an imperfect world. God got pissed at two people, and punished the entire existance of man. I never got a chance to prove myself, I was assumed guilty from birth, as we all were.
How would you like me to respond to this? What do you expect me to say? You know very well the way the Bible explains the passing of sin to offspring. So, God created two perfect humans. They sinned. They passed that sin to all of their offspring. We are of their offspring, so we inherit sin. God was pretty much left with two other alternatives. 1)Destroy the two people and start over. 2)Scrap the project all together. Either case would result in your not being here. You would not exist. So, I guess my question is, what's your point?
Make no mistake - unfaltering, unquestioning, undeniable faith is hard. It is the hardest thing for man to do because man reasons and thinks for himself, and faith requires us to deny reason and believe the unbelievable. That is what god requires, and if you can't fulfill that requirement you are lost.
You seem to approach faith as if it were some kind of handicap on the part of believers. I do not believe that faith is a detriment to the nature of humans. I believe it is of benefit. Perhaps as if you were to acquire another sensory perception. Not exactly the same, but the closest I could come up with right now. I don't feel that it takes away from humans' natural process of thinking. I feel that it adds to humans' natural process of being. Therefore, I would say that it's not an incredibly difficult thing. I have faith, as do many, many people that I know. I've never once heard any of them complaining that its difficult to retain that faith.
I don't claim that god has to justify his actions to me, but at the same time, I reserve the right to not worship him.
You absolutely do. I couldn't agree more. You have the right not to worship Him. No one can take that away from you.