JoinedPosts by crazy_flickering_light
Witness Punk and Metal Band Names
by Luther bertrand inhere is what i would name my band(s) let see if you can list some funny ones as well.
here is my list:.
local needs.
The guilt-trip -
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
Germany here. A special hello to all german lurkers. -
Need help: A few days ago a poster on this forum posted a link of all the PDF files of WT & Awakes
by Khaleesi ini tried to look for the poster on this forum but cannot locate the posting, this was posted about last week or so.
it was a poster who gave a link of all the wt & awakes compiling a library and was missing 2 years only.
to be more exact it was the actual prints in pdf, can you please tell me who it was and the link to them?
Quality of newer membership
by Lostandfound inon a previous post mamacita29 pointed up the low quality of new jw converts.. is the quality falling even more as the society use lower than low meeting, talks, broadcasts etc.. when i was active initially the organisation and standards seemed totally different today.
i have seen hard working intelligent elders fall by death or exhaustion.
the younger generation that came along never really grasped responsibility hence shortage of good elders, never mind the watered down to almost nothing quality of meetings.
The study -midweek and sunday- gets worser and worser. Think about the CLAM. Main part is a how-to-offer-company-stuff. Not much about the bible. Bookstudy is also trash. Nothing like the revelation-book (trash but you have to think), it's only about what have or could be in a very boring way.
Skip to sunday: the talk is horrible, the new scripts for the talk mainly the same: love, morality and follow the bOrg. The WT-study was year before fixed to different things, like prophecies, details and so on, at this time only love, how great is the bOrg and follow the bOrg.
And the new one mostly nuts. Sorry, but most people they not born in and not baptized until they 18 or older can use a computer and run away.
Exactly where is the expansion?
by NeverKnew inthere is a thread that i'm really enjoying discussing the consolidation of congregations into existing kingdom halls.
i'm realizing that the only threads that have spoken of building were related to branch offices.
we know the wts's consolidations and reopening a are a shell game of sorts but i'm wondering... is anyone seeing an increase in kingdom halls in their part of the world?
In germany since 01/2007 until 12/2015:
322 congs merged to 161 (language-congs and normal congs)
6 new regular congs
2 new signlanguage-congs
121 new language-congs (!)
Waiting for new numbers 2016, should be a very interesting.
But main part is: they close congs and merge congs, but you don't see it in the statistic, because of new language-congs. But the language-congs build of normal publishers and build of 20 person or so. So the downfall in the numbers is higher then you think. So I think, that's there way to fix the statistic, build more and more language-congs.
Nearby also one cong was merged lately, more to come.
Bible code
by Carol1111 inwhat do you think of this?.
genuine question.
First you need a data-sheet from the pyramide of giza. Then you can check the figures from the "Theomatics". If you can, start a cult... Sorry.
I think, if god write a book, it would be able for everybody to understand. No calculations, doublemeanings, or anything else.
"Always submit to the Church Administration", everybody sing it now!!
by WingCommander inhere's a wonderfully sickening video from another cult, the "church of christ".
have a listen and tell me if it doesn't remind you of a certain familiar jw tune, namely, "listen, obey, and be blessed!
this is crazy, just crazy!
Maybe this will be published as new song. Always submit to the GB... Song 142 was only a teaser?!?! -
Good news to report: Congregations merged because lack of attendance, publishers & field service
by Khaleesi inso it's official, i am happy to report that we merged with another congregation having the same problem.
why is it good news???
because people are either waking up, fading or just not buying into this organization any longer or walking away.... i think many young ones are just not buying into it as much, i see many in the congregation i go to very depressed and some i know personally going thru major depression especially the young "sisters" in their early 20s.... .
In germany since 01/2007 until 12/2015:
322 congs merged to 161 (language-congs and normal congs)
6 new regular congs
2 new signlanguage-congs
121 new language-congs (!)
Waiting for new numbers 2016, should be a very interesting.
But main part is: they close congs and merge congs, but you don't see it in the statistic, because of new language-congs. But the language-congs build of normal publishers and build of 20 person or so. So the downfall in the numbers is higher then you think.So I think, that's there way to fix the statistic, build more and more language-congs.
Nearby also one cong was merged lately, more to come.
Wear were you in the "Pecking order" in the congro??
by karter inwe were right down with the very lowest.. father never a jw we had a po with little mans syndrome and love to pick on sisters that had no husband to stand up for them,he picked on my mother only to find out he picked on the wrong person,she came from a hard up bringing and didn't take any s###t from anyone particularly this little bully and we were very low can you get!.
MS in good standing. Can't drop it at the moment. Only elected, while blocking an elder-son making career. Work to hard for the cong, they can't skip me. Fully awaken after this.
Be sure, I use the place I've been for the right side. Telling the youth TTATT as far as I can, unite every time it's possible family with da/df family-members and much more evil things. Nobody like to mess with me in the last time, they loose a lot of fights, bible-based. There will be a day for the second class, I know, but I'm prepared. JC will come. If you awoken, part of the system and know a lot of stuff - sometimes it's fun.
Do you ever contact those who shun you?
by Xanthippe indo you ever test the water and see if your relatives or friends still feel the same way?
i don't have mobile phone numbers or email addresses for my family because we left a long time ago.
long before facebook.
It depends how you break. This is my opinion. A good friend of mine break up without talking to me. She knew that I'm more then a critical thinker. We spend some holidays together. But there was no letter or anything. So I don't know, if she like's to meet me again. (Looking for words, try to reconnect someday.) Sometimes I think about reconnecting. Sometimes not. If she talk to me a little bit more before, maybe she could get much more help as she thinks. But I feel hurted thrue her.
On the other side I work from inside. Only thing I can do at the moment. I work on a sister to reconnect to her sister, family can't broke. It looks good at the moment. Maybe the final part is to hear from the other side. Sorry, but it think it's to easy to give up. This is one reason to stay in. (And I don't shun my da family.)