JoinedPosts by crazy_flickering_light
Overlapping gen teaching- Help?
by raven inhi friends,.
can someone please help explain to me the overlapping generations teaching?
i have not been able to grasp this one or what it even applies to?
You write, you read that some people waking up by the overlapping gerneration. It was a start for them I think. I don't know how and what you research. But you write, you like to "learn as much as I can to help me solidify that the org is a lie". So start at the start. One thing I see, much people don't research is 607 b.c. Did you read Jonsson? It is the base for so much: the nearly end, the GB and much more. So if you research this toppic in deep, then you see that people they don't elected tell you bs. -
Special Talk from the GB?
by punkofnice ina current jw told me there was going to be a special talk (tm) from the governing body(r) next month.
apart from the usual hilarious jw tv stuff, i haven't heard of anything.. any info any one?
the jw didn't seem to know much either.
At 14.May is a talk from a speaker from Bethell germany. It is streamed in germany. -
Going to meetings to "save face."
by Darkknight757 ingoing to make this short and sweet but i need some advise again and i kinda need to vent a bit so sorry.😢.
so it has been weeks since the wife and i have been to meetings.
it has been nothing short of wonderful!!!
I have to go to every meeting, so sorry for you. Maybe you can reduce it to sunday-meetings only and skip some of them? I feel it's easier to ignore the talk and the study then the midweekmeeting with the CLAM.
what do you think is the main reason why so many young ones are waking up?
by Crazyguy inseems as though the number of baptisms even for the young ones is down from what people report here.
at my former hall the young ones are all in totally sheltered even while going to school.
expressing thier desires to pioneer etc.
I have a talk with the CO. He mentioned indirect (it was a blabla about the youth) that the elders hold young once back from baptism. He mean their own childs and other childs. So maybe a lot of elders can't understand all the moves (new light) and try to hold back the youth until they understand themselve the way of the GB.
Also the internet. Nearly every place is occupied by TTATT - newsarticle got comments, big platforms like this here build (thanks Simon), if you want to start at reddit a pro-witness-sub you can't win (there also some language-forks like Spain or Germany) - so if you check a fact online, there's a high risk to read about TTATT. Also if you read at about some older stuff like the photo-drama of creation (there is an article at and research this to see this "100-Year-Old Epic of Faith" ( you will see, that it's crap. If you do more research, you look at apostate-sites.
Wt "study" Participation, is it a "True Believer" Indication?-- or not?
by prologos inin our congregation, the elders rarely comment.
the majority rarely comment, 2 sisters, vehemently, and often comment.
since in their case, it can not possibly be" teaching in the congregation", is participation in the wt "study"in general an affirmation of faith?
You have to if you an elder or ms. The CO talk about it, when he meet them. If you don't answer some meetings it will be no problem, but normally one to three answers will be fine.
It's also a way to look spiritual and stay undercover.
Only option I think, to hear what they say and how the pray. How/if they pray for examble for the GB or the CO.
How are awake JWs going to deal with the life and death, Dual Power of Suicide, no blood card issue?
by Island Man inthere was a recent leak of a letter to congregations regarding a new dpa no blood card.
part of the letter reads as follows:.
as a reminder, you should provide copies of your completed advance decision document to (1) those who served as witnesses, (2) your general practitioner (doctor), and (3) your congregation secretary.
When they ask me about it, I'll tell them there is reason for doing it. Not reason within the bible and also this part of my personal data I protect in the way I want. -
Apathy carts in NoCal
by kaik ini spent couple wonderful days in napa valley and sonoma with visits to san francisco.
what hits me was the number of apathy carts in the city.
they were at powell station, embarcadero, fisherman wharf, etc.
I've been there in febuary. First time I see them so much, everywhere.
I'm not sure if it was in SF of Chicago, but in every terminal 4 of them (2 on each side) holding the poster you see on the top of the carts.
Much worser then in good old europe.
2016--Working Together Safely Booklet!
by Atlantis in2016 working together safely booklet..
.. .. atlantis!.
Did you know, they switch from a normal insurance to a insurance run by the bOrg? (I was told so.) This book look like bs, but when something happen to you, it can get very interesting if you get money or not. This is the reason why everybody need to sign it. -
Further CO Leaks
by wifibandit inbelieve inspired truth, not inspired error (s-341a-16-e).
instructions for the circuit overseer’s meeting with the pioneers and field missionaries in conjunction with the circuit assembly (s-312-tk16-e no.
circuit overseer meets with pioneers and field missionaries program for september 2015 through february 2016 (s-335-16-e).
Amazing comeback wifi! Thanks for your work and kudos for all the leakers! -
Is the 'growthâ„¢' still being hyped?
by punkofnice inwhen i was a member of watchtower corporation, i regularly heard how it must be the true religion because of the growthâ„¢.
(phenomenal, apparently).. i wonder if they still hang onto this?
has it been boasted about at meetings recently?
There was a study article I think at the beginning of 2016 or end 2015 which mention senseless facts and that the growth is god blessed. (I'm only on my phone, can't research at the moment.)It was stupid, but yes, the GB stuck to the lie of rising numbers.