JoinedPosts by crazy_flickering_light
Germany start a comission against child-abuse
by crazy_flickering_light inif you live in germany, please share your story.
if not, please spread this link.
i'm so sorry, this is my first topic.
Thanks for the tip. I can't contact them, for the well known reasons. :) But they been contacted from other groups I'm in contact. -
Germany start a comission against child-abuse
by crazy_flickering_light inif you live in germany, please share your story.
if not, please spread this link.
i'm so sorry, this is my first topic.
Is it like the RC? I would say no and yes. Same topic, yes. But I think there will be no public hearing and we don't know, how much victims brave enough to go thru hell again. Australia have a "critical mass" going to court before the hearing starts, when I see it the right way. In germany I don't know about a big group like this. Nobody here know about the ARC. We spread it, but we have to be careful. I don't think it affect the tax-status, but a lot of brothers look for a good reason to step down with a bang. It could also raise the awareness of shunning. We got the big bethell here, so it's a fight at an importend place. -
Germany start a comission against child-abuse
by crazy_flickering_light inif you live in germany, please share your story.
if not, please spread this link.
i'm so sorry, this is my first topic.
If you live in germany, please share your story. If not, please spread this link:
I'm so sorry, this is my first topic. Not a happy one, not a personal one, only a sad topic about an evil thing. But I think I have to. Thanks to all people here, they done so much to raise awareness in Australia, UK and USA. Kudus to you all.
Branch Vists the new Regional Convention?
by konceptual99 inso there was a mention yesterday about "next year's" branch visit and this being streamed.. is there a chance these will become the new regional convention?
consider the evidence:.
- branches being closed down or downsized.
But more and more people leave. In Berlin a brother talk to the congregation that he leave and why he leave. As good as the conventions are, they also spread gossip and other stuff around. So small groups good for reduce the input from outside or about people who leave and how the leave. -
Branch Vists the new Regional Convention?
by konceptual99 inso there was a mention yesterday about "next year's" branch visit and this being streamed.. is there a chance these will become the new regional convention?
consider the evidence:.
- branches being closed down or downsized.
I don't think the conventions the big money-maker in the next years. Nearly 50-60% from all money comes from old people. So when more and more older people don't go to the conventions, it maybe make more money to stream it to the hall. So one big convention in each country, stream it to every cong, ask for money - finished. Also the witnesses will go crazy, when they the choosen once for the meeting at a convension that be streamed. -
by Deleteandrestart insince i woke up one year ago , i've been doing a somewhat controlled fade , the experience i've had has been a very solitary one , i don't mean by not seeing anyone i know because i know hundreds in several congregations and i was an elder .
but just coming to terms with the fact that this was no longer the solution to life's problems, that i'd wasted so much time, that as i sat in the kh and heard everyone comment, my heart was no longer in it , i no longer fitted in ..... i felt that they were in the congregation all under the spell or some form of hypnosis from the wtbts,.
it was like for the first time in my experience at the kh , that i was the only one to see what was actually going on , the indoctrination, the guilt tripping, i could see it all as clear as day , and yet i had as it where a metal gag over my mouth, i couldn't speak to anyone about it for fear of them turning me into the spiritual police.
I know what you mean. I have to go to every meeting, can't fade at the moment and it is very hard to hear all the lies. You can't talk to anybody TTATT, I have to give talks and I'm stressed every time, that I don't tell the crap from the bOrg.
The only place where I can really exist like I am, is the internet. Hope that this change sometimes. I try my best. So I only can wish you enough power to deal with it.
But a happy thing: I was able to wake up a friend. He isn't fully awake but on a very good way. So there is hope.
what sort of reactions have you gotten when talking to other jw when telling them the "truth about the truth"?
by AmIright inits funny ive read some stories on here about how they have become so infuriated by what logic dictates as being true and their own denying of it because it completely screws up their belief and shows how hypocritical it is xd some look like a nuclear reactor about to blow xd.
share you experiences here :) .
Lost a lot of "friends". A friend told me I'm on the wrong way but also don't like to discuss the topic. But, I could and can help a friend to awake. Amazing. So it's worth to talk about it. -
Any thought behind your " Avatar"
by The Rebel ini think that's the correct phrase?
anyway when i first came here, that little picture that "the rebel" hides behind, was a self portrait of a very sad man, who simply had too much knowledge.
now i feel after 7 months here, i should repaint that " avetor" give some happiness to the eyes, and a contented smile to the lips.. in short my " avetor" was a self portrait of a man with too much knowledge.
Thanks Rebel. It's taken from an danish film. I like the black humor of scandinavian films. Also this name fit very good to the overlapping and all this stuff.
But do you like a really scary story? We got a CO that push the dubs to say that we from the bOrg. Something like: "Good morning, we from the local cong of Jehober Witches and want to suck you into a cult!"
Every door is like hell, when the dub you preaching with, start like this.
Any thought behind your " Avatar"
by The Rebel ini think that's the correct phrase?
anyway when i first came here, that little picture that "the rebel" hides behind, was a self portrait of a very sad man, who simply had too much knowledge.
now i feel after 7 months here, i should repaint that " avetor" give some happiness to the eyes, and a contented smile to the lips.. in short my " avetor" was a self portrait of a man with too much knowledge.
I think I don't have to "ex-splane" my name. The avatar with a beard and the text "tall, dark and rugged" (picture taken from a shirt) stand for a free life without anybody have the right to make a decission if you have to shave, wear a skirt or what else. -
Overlapping gen teaching- Help?
by raven inhi friends,.
can someone please help explain to me the overlapping generations teaching?
i have not been able to grasp this one or what it even applies to?
You write, you read that some people waking up by the overlapping gerneration. It was a start for them I think. I don't know how and what you research. But you write, you like to "learn as much as I can to help me solidify that the org is a lie". So start at the start. One thing I see, much people don't research is 607 b.c. Did you read Jonsson? It is the base for so much: the nearly end, the GB and much more. So if you research this toppic in deep, then you see that people they don't elected tell you bs.