when I read this, I don't see this. Good find.
Next article from Watchtower: "The WTG is shunned by the UN for exposing the truth!"
maybe some of you look for an official and safe link for the connection between the un and the wtg.
i hope this helps: http://ask.un.org/faq/14501.
when I read this, I don't see this. Good find.
Next article from Watchtower: "The WTG is shunned by the UN for exposing the truth!"
maybe some of you look for an official and safe link for the connection between the un and the wtg.
i hope this helps: http://ask.un.org/faq/14501.
maybe some of you look for an official and safe link for the connection between the UN and the WTG. I hope this helps: http://ask.un.org/faq/14501
so how many are not going to the regional convention this year?
it will be my first year not attending as part of my fade.. i remember going for all of my childhood into adult hood, participating in stage parts even.. however, last assembly i was already mentally checked out.
i remember looking around and seeing all of people bobbing & nodding at the program talks that had been previously repeated time and time again.. almost seemed like hypnosis.. i also had a hard time with the fact that we're all supposed to be "friends" and everyone had always seemed to be so judgmental.. especially at conventions & assemblies.. things like who had the best outfit for the days, who looked the prettiest, who can snag the single ms brother.. who took the most spiritual food out of the program, how many times can you tally mark jehovah's name.
just what it sounds like list some titles that you think would be good for an xjw memoir or book.
just for fun:.
-the real, real life.
today spiegel online & bento have an article about the anti-gay video.. spiegel is one of the biggest and most serious news media in germany.. they also report and show that youtubers cut the video and changed it in a funny way.
sofia tells her mother that the teacher said it's fine if they live each other.
then sofia's mother says: "thats wonderful.".
trial over abuse among jehovah’s witnesses.
at least two boys were raped in the beliefs community at greifwald.
by cornelia meerkatz.
news from the bethel of italy very soon ?.
the properties in rome, will be sold ?
will remain only germany bethel in selters and in italy will remain only.
i found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
i know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
Dear friend. I only can post the same thing: don't do this.
If your parents pressure you and if there is no way to escape - you will go thru a long list of questions. Please ask here, be prepared. Give really good but wrong answers. Show you don't understand the questions. Look also thru the article again: it says, if you feel ready, you should do the dip - not because your parents want you there. So please, don't do this. I'm so sorry for you. Stay strong ans out of the water.
Hugs from germany.
following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
You can't use the split-screen on Samsung-devices with the app. This is bad enough...
The bOrg wouldn't spy, it's not necessary. You remenber the last watchtower where the sister run to the elders because she see something at social media? There also sometimes storys when people give there tablet to a brother and this brother see some bad content on the device. I think, they use human to spy, the don't use software for this.