Ohh, yeah. You can order it.
It look like, that the company run by a doctor and his wife. It was only what I found via google, but this name look very unique.
it`s so crazy:.
Ohh, yeah. You can order it.
It look like, that the company run by a doctor and his wife. It was only what I found via google, but this name look very unique.
it`s so crazy:.
the dubs sell a hall to a free church.. source: http://www.badische-zeitung.de/weil-am-rhein/gemeinde-gottes-kauft-koenigreichsaal--123461266.html.
price: 388.000 eur around 431.200,00 usd.
(exchange today).
There also some halls, reworked as a normal house. They looking very nice - I see a picture from US some month before.
the dubs sell a hall to a free church.. source: http://www.badische-zeitung.de/weil-am-rhein/gemeinde-gottes-kauft-koenigreichsaal--123461266.html.
price: 388.000 eur around 431.200,00 usd.
(exchange today).
It's not in my area, but no new hall so far - it would be on the news. I research them nearly daily for witness-stuff.
But here is an enorm reducing to see. You don't see it in the numbers from the bOrg. They merge 2 congs to one but nearly the same amount of language-groups built.
More about this: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5130851671080960/new-facts-from-germany
i was going through my copy of steve hassan's combating cult mind control and it occurred to me that it would be great to have something like this specifically for us ex jehovah's witnesses.
while this is a great book, the examples he uses are mostly from people that were moonies, as steve is a former moonie and many people that have contacted him for help were relatives of moonies.
while cults all work basically the same, it would be nice to be have some ideas on things that are specific to jehovah's witnesses.
I think #1 Trust is a main point. If somebody know, you're a safe contact and he can discuss safe with you, you hear where he is doubting. Then you able to give input. This works for me, I'm active at this time - can't fade - and make 2 friends from lazy dub to apostate dub.
the dubs sell a hall to a free church.. source: http://www.badische-zeitung.de/weil-am-rhein/gemeinde-gottes-kauft-koenigreichsaal--123461266.html.
price: 388.000 eur around 431.200,00 usd.
(exchange today).
The dubs sell a hall to a free church.
Source: http://www.badische-zeitung.de/weil-am-rhein/gemeinde-gottes-kauft-koenigreichsaal--123461266.html
Price: 388.000 EUR around 431.200,00 USD. (Exchange today)
Some thoughts:
The price sounds interesting. We have the time of the brexit (it hurts my heart - but skip this), so skip a little bit back. If you change the date a little bit, you be nearly around 440.000,00 USD. It don't make a difference, but this could be a sign that the headquarter more then involved in the sales and all the sales planed there.
well, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
Turn it against them! Deny it. Then tell them, you afraid that they believe brothers they read an apostate website. Tell them, you hope they pray for the brother who leave the truth and don't follow the rules.
my name is tatersalad.
i have been disassociated for about six years now.
i have moved past most of my jw issues, but i feel like it would be cool to get to know others like myself.
Welcome from germany! I'm looking for a way out at the moment, so my biggest witness-issue at the moment: I'm a witness...
a wonderful announcement to my friends in the forum.
i am no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.
in the month of may 2016 i wrote my resignation letter and gave it to the elders in my congregation.
Congrats! Live a free live! Enjoy it.
(I hope to write this letter as fast as I can...)
a swiss exit-group i'm connected to, try to raise awareness of child-abuse in eu and look for sources from east-europe including poland.
they like to create a pdf or print about this.
what they looking for: articles from newspapers, court-cases or known cases with witnesses (something like exit-groups say, it's happens or so, not the wtg-witness-style).
A swiss exit-group I'm connected to, try to raise awareness of child-abuse in EU and look for sources from east-europe including poland. They like to create a pdf or print about this. What they looking for: articles from newspapers, court-cases or known cases with witnesses (something like exit-groups say, it's happens or so, not the WTG-witness-style). Can anybody help?
Feel free to contact me via PM, for further informations.