Need a Caleb&Sophia-doll?
by crazy_flickering_light 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Seriously????!!! LOL!!!!
Welcome to 4ourkids-shop. A small family owned and operated business in the middle of Germany.
For us parents it is getting more difficult to buy suitable toys for our children. Toys often acting of violence and spiritualism.
For this reason we have established 4ourkids-shop.
It pleases us very much that we can bring a great joy to kids and parents worldwide.
Ohh, yeah. You can order it.
It look like, that the company run by a doctor and his wife. It was only what I found via google, but this name look very unique.
If they don't get sued in the near future for copyright infringement we'll know its officially licensed. Maybe this is what the WTBS is going to do instead of selling magazines door to door.
I don't see it this way. It helps to transform into a lifestyle.
neat blue dog
Well, these are better quality then some of the other BJF (Become Jehovah's Friend) dolls I've seen online. Still, they need action figures. Fully poseable, collectable action figures with accessories like an airplane, a butterfly pen, a Sparlock figure and a recycling bin. Maybe even figures that talk with the push of a button with such popular phrases as "That makes Jehovah sad", etc.
Wow...that's bad.
No, no, no, not creepy at all.
Can't wait for the GB action figures!
The fact that it says "inspired by Caleb" tells me that it is not officially licenced.