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Whitney Heichel killed by multiple gunshots
by AndersonsInfo inautopsy - whitney killed by multiple gunshots.. http://www.koinlocal6.com/mostpopular/story/autopsy-whitney-killed-by-multiple-gunshots/pfbmma18luksrgnszxpxfq.cspx.
salem, ore. -- the oregon state medical examiner's office announced monday the death of 21-year-old whitney heichel was caused by multiple gunshot wounds.
heichel's body was found friday afternoon on larch mountain in east multnomah county.. .
JW Tragic murder was by JW
by snare&racket inhttp://www.katu.com/news/local/report-holt-heichel-were-members-of-same-church-175169201.html.
how sad......