I can be both.
Yeh,I have my days when I like to be around people and I sure have my days when, I'm like leave me alone please!
i've heard that there are people who thrive on being with people.
they gain energy from it.
then there are the loners who gain energy from being alone.
I can be both.
Yeh,I have my days when I like to be around people and I sure have my days when, I'm like leave me alone please!
i have been out for 3 years now.
why do i still have nightmares about the end?
its the same thing about me standing outside then the moon gets bloody.
It will get better,as time passes and the more you learn the truth about this religion.I had dreams for yrs,then comming to this site and others has helped me a great deal.
Take care and *hugs*
i would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
Well,if I just decide to hit a man because I am angry with him,thats abuse like a man hitting a woman out of anger. Just wrong.
If a woman is beating on a man,of course the man has to defend himself,just like a woman would defend herself.
A woman has no right to try to beat on a man,and think she has a right to do that because she is "weaker".
being brought up in the borg since birth, i beleived everything my parents taught me and showed me, i looked up to them, they were my heroes in life.. now, i look back, they lied to me, cheated me, mislead me, did not look out for my best interests, and abadonned me when i needed them the most,.
i have nothing good to say about them (or my brothers and sisters), like to tie them both to a tree and ----- them.
they are very stupid people.. i'm sure i will wrestle with this the rest of my life.. thanks so much watchtower bible and tract society !!!!!!!!!!
My mother has never had anything to do with the witnesses,but I think alot of my mother.She was kind and loving and did what she had to do,to support her two daughters.
My father was an alocholic..(i can never spell that darn word!) I love him,but I still hold some anger towards him,not as much tho,I am moving on,regarding everything he has done to us.He died when I was 14,and I still haven't grieved as much as I should have.I feel he doesn't deserve it.Something elese I have to work on.
I have a step father,who is awsome,a kind,giving man,who deserves alot in return.
cheers to my ma and step pa
if so, was it a stranger or was it someone you knew, and how did the relationship develop afterward?
i did once, a friend who was drowning, after the incident the friendship totally deteriorated and now whenever i think about it, i wonder why i bothered, it's difficult watching someone drown, especially when they shout your name instead of help.
anyway, anyone got any experiences to share?.
I mananaged to get a young teen off the streets and go back home to her mother.Took hours and some anger to make her understand,living on the street,and her so called friends(i feel some of them were pimps),was not the life to live.I often wonder where she is now and hope she is ok.
yesterday i had a little spat with my wife.
it's all cleared up today.
she's a wonderful gal and we love each other very much.. but one thing kinda bugs me.
I have no problem apoligizing.It doesn't even matter who is wrong or right,when it comes myself saying sorry.
My man has a hard time with it,but he can say it,lol.Sometimes,words donot need to be used,actions can say alot too.Many type of actions,really.
this news item is now appearing in oz:.
21:12 aedt wed 4 feb 2004. nepalese man marries dog.
afp - a 75-year-old man in nepal married a dog in a local custom to ensure good luck only to die three days later, a newspaper reported.
Geeessshhh and yuck
Not much to say.
what are your first memories?
i started to write a post about this the other day but it turned into a bio, so i deleted it.. my first memory is my mom carrying me into a house and putting me on the floor with another boy, and talking to some guy behind me while i watched the other kid playing with a board game.
it turned out that the other kid was my older brother, the man was my real father who i never met, and because of the time frame of events i was well under a year old when this happened.. i also remember being rocked to sleep as a baby by my mom, and trying to tell her i wasn't tired but not being able to.. do you have early memories?
I have very early memories too Sirona.
I believe there is a higher power out there,and yes,I do love this being.
If we are meant to be"like" God and to love,I don't believe a loving God would do some of the things that are written in the bible by man.
I always get confused when I start thinking about this stuff....
i knew of a couple that left their mates so that they could be with one another.
the elders promptly disfellowshipped them.
the couple made it known immediately, that they were going to apply for reinstatement as soon as possible.
I had a friend who was DF and when she was reinstated,she was still shunned by an elders family.She was marked as well.
She moved to the other side of Canada,for she could start over.