Darn site,keeps going down...
60 isn't bad Walter
Darn site,keeps going down...
60 isn't bad Walter
Wow,alot of 70%!
my mum, country_woman, lost her internet connection ... and she really misses you all.
i should know, cuz she calls me daily to hear the news about the board (talk about being an addict .
anyway, she said "hi" and it will probably take some time before she gets online, and in the meantime she can only post from my place ... so please don't forget her .
Can't forget her even if we tried.
good morning!.
the days are getting longer..the nights are getting shorter..daffodils are poppin 'up.
spring is just around the corner.
the deep freeze is forecasted for Sunday again, so don't get your hopes up
Oh well,it will be over soon,until next yr.blah!
good morning!.
the days are getting longer..the nights are getting shorter..daffodils are poppin 'up.
spring is just around the corner.
Shamus,you have quite the imagination.
We are having warmer days,but no flowers yet.
having been here for a few years, and corresponding privately with some of you i have noticed a lot of us have names that are from the bible.. so without giving too much away about yourselves :.
did your parents give you a name based on a bible character?.
did they do this while they were jws?.
My son's name is Matthew,I didn't name him because of JW reasons.Just because I have always loved that name.
I knew a family that called there daughter Jezebelle...
i remember a post a few days ago titled "have you ever gotten back at the congregation/elders" or somethin like that.
and now.....i think i have the answer.
all these elders think they can go around, saying their shit doesn't stink and disfellowship anyone who disagree's with them or the organization, or if they "get ahead of jehovah".
Very beautiful,hope I look as great as you when I am in my 50's!
would you have to think about it??
Yes,I would.If I lost mine,I would be very happy to have it returned.
I have found a wallet and a purse before and have returned them.I wouldn't be able to live withmyself,taking someones' money.That may be all that person has left and may have children at home.