Beautiful photos.I love flowers!
here you are ladies, i dedicate all these to you individually, you ruddy bunch of balmpottin beauts.. .
the two pictures of the bare ground is where i am landscaping the next door neighbours garden, courtesy of the garden artists - 'putting the culture in horticulture', my business.. .
ok i've been trying to do these two posts now for about 4 hours, simons software is as ever hopeless, not that i do not appreciate his efforts.. what i'll do is this, tomorrow, i will put all these pictures into my yahoo photos and provide the link in a separate post so you will have to wait for that, for now, what is left of my sunday, i want to enjoy for myself, tis too nice to be stuck in front of this machine for another hour.. sorry..
Beautiful photos.I love flowers!
my daughter has been accepting of my intervening in her relationship with an unbaptized jw.
although still sad at times, she is determined to finish high school (this is her senior year) and go on to college.
(carl, her x-boyfriend, is a hs drop out and aspires to get a job at guitar center and eventually get certified for smog inspecting automobiles.
Good for her is right,and very pretty girl!
being disfellowshipped is really the best status for a witness.
i can go to meetings but i don't have to talk to anybody.
i can drink and smoke and gamble and have sex without having to worry about being disfellowshipped.
I like that.
by constantly irritating the un and other government organisations about their complaints against the wts as an organised religion, do you think these men are contributing to the fulfillment of the wts 'interpretation' of the prophecy regarding the wild beast turning against organised religion?
well, it's time.
monday morning the 17th at 6 am i go in for ye ol' hernia operation.
i asked to be put "out" as i had the option for staying partially awake.
You'll be fine and hurray back.Get well soon!
well..............i have had my hair many my friends can attest.. today i went black...dark.. so.. what do you all think of the phases of juls.. which color works best on her???
here i am from black.. to blonde and brunettte to auburn.. .
I like the red better myself.I agree the blonde doesnot suit you,its makes your features dissapear.
this has been something i have been thinking of for awhile.i was so naive when i started to study and i was even naive when i was in for a few yrs.. i suppose i could be calling myself gullible too,but you know,when i was a jw,i had no idea what the "society" was,no idea who was teaching these beliefs.i look back at it and i realize how i just listened to what was thrown at me.people told me it was the "truth",so it had to be the truth.. when i was a child,i went to bible studies and sunday's school,but i never really went to church to "learn"the basically never had any biblical knowledge,before i began to study.. when i was studing and even when i was a jw,i always felt something wasnot right,and that used to bother me and depress me.never feeling i was good enough for god.i didnot want to get baptized when i did,i felt something was wrong but i went ahead just incase........ kinda ticks me off,that i never learned the background and history of this religion...but of course i wouldnot be here and wouldnot have met many great people as i have and hope to meet more!.
it wasn't until,i started to search and started to read the bible on my own,that i realized how wrong this religion was like "wow"........with some anger mixed in there too with the "wows".
now i believe,the bible is not 100% authentic,but there is a loving god and i believe in jesus and he died for all people!
Thanks Steve for your kind reply!
i've just been sorting out various paperwork and going through the filing cabinet.
as well as every pay advice i've ever had (20+ years worth back to '83) i also have every bank statement, every cheque stub and, erm ... a big wad of atm receipts going back at least 10 years !
i just can't stand to throw things away for fear that i may need them one day!!.
I used to hoard things alot,but latley I have been tossing things out of giving them away!
Time to get a paper shreader Simon.
anything that brings such enjoyment to your life that it is almost an obsession that you are constantly hunting and searching for?
i collect pieces made my marjolein bastin.
for those that aren't familiar w/this artist, here is a bit about her:.
I have a few collections started but so far its only a few items.
I love teapots and sunflowers and kitchen stuff with apples painted on them,or made out of apples...
this has been something i have been thinking of for awhile.i was so naive when i started to study and i was even naive when i was in for a few yrs.. i suppose i could be calling myself gullible too,but you know,when i was a jw,i had no idea what the "society" was,no idea who was teaching these beliefs.i look back at it and i realize how i just listened to what was thrown at me.people told me it was the "truth",so it had to be the truth.. when i was a child,i went to bible studies and sunday's school,but i never really went to church to "learn"the basically never had any biblical knowledge,before i began to study.. when i was studing and even when i was a jw,i always felt something wasnot right,and that used to bother me and depress me.never feeling i was good enough for god.i didnot want to get baptized when i did,i felt something was wrong but i went ahead just incase........ kinda ticks me off,that i never learned the background and history of this religion...but of course i wouldnot be here and wouldnot have met many great people as i have and hope to meet more!.
it wasn't until,i started to search and started to read the bible on my own,that i realized how wrong this religion was like "wow"........with some anger mixed in there too with the "wows".
now i believe,the bible is not 100% authentic,but there is a loving god and i believe in jesus and he died for all people!
Thats moi! Thanks hon and I'm looking forward to meeting you this summer as well! Whoo hoo!!!!